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Tony punched the man strapped to a chair one last time before walking out the room. He grabbed a towel and wiped his bloody knuckles before turning to Nat.

"Is that the last one?" He asked the assassin.

"Yeah, he's the only one standing. Bucky managed to find the rest of the HYDRA workers and...well, he killed them." Nat said.

Tony shrugged. "Good." He grumbled and chucked the towel on the table again before sighing.

"Tony...I know we don't usually have...these talks, but...are you doing okay?" She asked in a soft voice, like both there hands weren't covered in a criminal's blood and said criminal was tied to a chair in the next room.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Perfectly fine. I mean, these guys are making me a little stressed but we're dealing with them-" He said before he got cut off.

"That's not what I meant." She said, crossing her arms and leaning against the table. "I'm talking about the fact that you've been grumpy and stressed ever since you dropped off Peter in Wakanda two weeks ago."

Tony looked at the ground. It was true, and he knew it. He was miserable without Peter. He wanted nothing more than to bring him back home, coddle him and make sure he never leaves the compound ever again. He was constantly worried about him, wondering if he was okay and if they were treating him well. But he knew he was fine, it was Wakanda after all. But he still couldn't control his thoughts.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. He needs this, it will be good for him. It will help him." Tony rambled and looked back at Nat.

"Yeah, he does. But that's not what I'm asking you. Stop deflecting my questions."

Tony groaned. "Okay, fine! No, I'm not okay! I want my son back. I want him here with me. I want to cling onto him and never let him go. But I can't! Because that's...possessive and unhealthy and...quite frankly, weird." Nat was slightly startled by his outburst but quickly composed herself. "Not to mention, selfish. They're out there making him feel better and getting him the help he needs, and I'm over here bitching about how I want him to be here with me, just so I won't feel lonely." Tony continued.

Nat thought about her words carefully before voicing them. "You don't just want him here because you're lonely. You want him here because you love him, and you miss him."

"Whatever. Same difference." He grumbled.

Nat sighed. "Look, I know I can't get through to you, given how stubborn you are, but just...please believe me when I say that your thoughts are perfectly rational. It's okay to miss him. He misses you too, and he loves you so much. I can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at you." She said softly, a smile appearing on her face.

She stares at his face for a moment, trying to read his expression. He was staring at the wall opposite them, deep in thought. They were sat like that for a few more moment before Tony finally broke the silence by letting out a scoff.

"I miss him so much. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love him...he's my son. My son. God, I never thought I would ever have one of those."

Nat smiled. "I know. You're an amazing Dad, Tony." She said. "They're going to help Peter, and you'll see him before you know it. And what's even better, is that when you do see him, he'll be happy...and free."

Tony thought for a moment, before a small, sad smile appeared on his face. He nodded before speaking. "Yeah...yeah, he will be."

There was silence for a moment before FRIDAY spoke, making both of them jump.

"Boss, someone is here to speak with you."

He gave Nat an expression that said 'I'll see you later' and walked out the room.

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