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Tony followed Nat into the Raft. He hadn't been in there since...well, since everything went down. But that was long forgotten.

"He's through there. I'll give you some alone time with him." Nat said as she pointed down the corridor. "I've already had my fun."

Tony rolled his eyes but silently thanked her before walking down the hall. He turned a corner and there stood Richard. Locked in a solitary confinement cell.

He was just standing there, holding his hands behind his back. Like he was expecting Tony.

Tony stalked up to him until he was finally stood in front of the glass. He had never felt so much rage towards someone before. And that was saying something.

He just wanted to rip him apart.

"Tony Stark, what a pleasure." Richard smirked. "I hear you adopted my son. Have to say, I'm a little surprised." Tony grit his teeth.

"You have no right to call him your son." He spat. Richard stepped forward.

"You know nothing of what I did." He spat back. This time, Tony stepped forward.

"I know that you made a deal with Hydra when Peter was 6 fucking years old. I know you helped them change his DNA. I know you sent him to get kidnapped and tortured. I know you killed his mother. Should I continue?"

"I did it for him." Richard said. Tony saw red.

"For him? Are you kidding me? You put him through all that trauma for him? No, Richard. You did it all for yourself. Because you wanted money."

"It made him stronger! It made him who he is today. He loves being Spiderman. He knows how to fight. That's something a young man like him should know in a world like this."

"That's fucking rich coming from you, considering you're part of the problem as to why the world is like this."

"How would you even know my reasons? You're already a billionaire. You inherited your daddy's money. You were just a spoilt little rich boy, and you still are. You have everything handed to you on a silver platter." Richard mocked and Tony smirked.

"Well, that's what happens when you're not an insane narcissist like yourself."

Richard punched the glass. Tony didn't flinch.

"They're coming for him. The HYDRA men. They all are. They have a plan, and I can help you protect him if you let me."

That made Tony scoff.

"Don't make me laugh, Richard. You really think I'm gonna fall for that?"

"They are! I swear to you!"

"I know they are, idiot. I'm not falling for your bullshit about helping him. It was your fault he ended up there in the first place, and you tried to send him back, literally one day ago."

"That was when they could get me. They can't anymore. I'm safe here!" He laughed psychotically. Tony nodded and stepped further toward him.

"I'll tell you one thing, Richard. You may be safe from HYDRA, but you're not safe from the Avengers." He stepped backwards. "I'll be back."

Tony never actually left the Raft. He spent a lot of time in the front office, doing shit tons of research. He talked to people, tried to find connections of where these HYDRA men were. He had some clues, which was good. Now all he had to do was torture Richard.

Why? Tony could get all the information he needed without needing to inflict pain on anyone. So why? Because he deserved it.

You can trust now, Peter darling حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن