I am ready to talk

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Me: I... *sigh*... where do I even start?

Hound Dog:  How about the attack earlier?

Me: I started hearing screams and I can smell the blood of the vicitms I killed. But at the same time I enjoyed killing them and having the blood on my hands.

Aizawa: That's normal kid. It's normal to experience that when you got hurt a lot.

Me: That doesn'T justify what I did at all-

Aizawa: It might not but it is the truth. Villains are not born always remember that.

Me: ... sure... but the craziness and the madness are.

Hound Dog: That is wrong too. Kid you went through so much that it isn't surprising that you reacted like this.

Aizawa: I agere.

Hound Dog: Now tell us about your past before you became Usagi if that is fine with you.

Me: There isn't much to tell honestly. I was just a kid who was beaten up on a daily basis.

Aizawa: Did you ask for help?

Me: When didn't I? Hahah that was a good joke.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: I tried everything. I asked the police, the hospital and even a hero I once met but do you know what they told me when I said I was quirkless?

Hound Dog: It's just the way the worlds works and you are overexagerating?

Me: Exactly how did you know?

Hound Dog: I had a lot heroes telling me that after they come to me because a kid commited in front of them.

Me: ...

Aizawa: No surprise either. The world has changed and now being quirkless is so rare too. People fear what they can't underswtand and don't having a quirk is unthinkable right now.

Me: True... well as you heard Bakugo was the main one beating me up to a pulp each and every day.

Hound Dog: I'll have to talk with him later.

Aizawa: Do whatever you want. Problem child did your mother know about this?

Me: Heck no! I didn't wanted to burden her more after she had to take up soo many jobs because of me. She was tired and people didn't wanted to hire her because of me.

Aizawa: What a ruined society we live in.

Hound Dog: That's why making a difference is soo important Aizawa.

Aizawa: I want to just burn it sometimes.

Hound Dog: Tell me something new.

Me: You two sound more villain like then the LOV.

Aizawa: How did you even get in there?

Me: They found me on the streets and then I became their strategist.

Aizawa: I can see why.

Hound Dog: No surprise there too. Your mind is on another level.

Me: Well they still want to raid UA and get rid of All Might and the hero course.

Aizawa: *sigh* is that why they came here?

Me: Probably.

Hound Dog: Wait, what you two mean with they came here?

Aizawa: This problem chld threw a butterknife out of a window.

Hound Dog: Butterknife? Really?

Me: What, you guys took my knife and daggers away from me. So yes butterknife.

Hound Dog: What are you even doing with a butterknife.

Me: Oh I don't know... stab someone.

Hound Dog:  Oh.... OH!

You could literally see it clicking in this dogs mind and it was funny. A butterknife wasn't sharp but as the name said, it was a knife and a knife could still hurt and kill people so yeah... I guess you never stop learning at all.

Aizawa: *sigh* You sure they aren't after you?

Me: No! They threw me out after I told them about the voices and then they said I was too instable for them.

Hound Dog: Damn rude people.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Hound Dog: Whelp they sure lost one of the best minds.

Me: Right, if only they knew...

One could think while we were in a lockdown that the school was safe but noo all of the sudden an allarm went off and I looked at the two heroes who jumped right up.

Hound Dog: Security breach but how?

Me: They can still teleport.

Hound Dog: Let's go out. Aizawa you should get back to your class.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Hound Dog: I'll take care of him.

Aizawa: No, he's coming with me for reasons.

Me: Fine, fine but can we move on. I have a bad feeling.

Aizawa: Same here.

Hound Dog: Same.

You know when 3 people in a room start looking at each other than you know that something bad was about to happen and in this very own case it was just a matter of seconds until we would find out what made us all be soo on edge. It was just a small thing but it was also dangerous and deadly. Oh how I loathed the LOV by now.

First they try and get rid of me when I told them about my damn problems and then this? I really must have pissed off Shigaraki a bit too much.

Really now?!


Come on!

I had a right to do what I did!

You can't be pissed at me for coming at you for throwing me out and just be here out of all places....

Whelp you still dumb as ever as I can see...

Not my problem if I beat this shit up and send it back in pieces.

Oh I am sure AfO would love that actually.

Yeah... quirkless kid beats up his creation.

You are an idiot for sending it over after my dumb and sorry ass.

I am a villain, Can I die?! (Suicidal Villain Deku)Where stories live. Discover now