Darkness: The Black Out Chapter 4

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When I woke up that day, I felt a newfound freedom, freed from the clutches of my mother's incessant voice. The absence of her annoying comments allowed me to walk around the house in my favourite clothes without judgement. It seemed that something had affected the whole world, rendering electrical appliances useless and plunging us into uncertainty. Little did we know that a real crisis was looming on the horizon. After a moment's reflection, I rose from my bed and looked down at my body. Something was happening to me. Looking down at myself, I noticed that my chest had begun to grow during the night. I began to tremble. What should I do? What was happening to me? This was not normal. Something was happening to me. It was something I did not want. Why was this happening to me? What was I becoming? I felt my chest grow. Fear crept through my body and I knew I had to do something. I went to the wardrobe to choose my clothes. My female body was developing. I had to do something about it and I already knew what to do. When no one was around, I had to find some tape to wrap around my chest. Somehow I had to do it secretly so that my parents would not notice. Then everything would stay as it was and I would not change. I would not need a bra and could go on living as before. Unfortunately, I had no duct tape in my room. So I had to look elsewhere. I would lock the bathroom door and do it when nobody was there. It was the alarm clock that woke me up. But its shrill sound wasn't as annoying as my mother's voice. I was finally free of her clutches.

Of course she might come back, but today I was free. I could walk around the house in my favourite clothes without my mother's annoyed comments. No one would scold me for my tastes. I would look for the tape later, when father would not notice. The television was still off. It would not turn on so quickly. No one knew what had happened, but there were rumours that something had fried the electrical appliances. No one knew what it was, but it could have affected the whole world. No one knew then that the real crisis was coming. After sitting on the bed and thinking for a while, I got up and went to the wardrobe to get some clothes. When I had chosen the clothes I wanted, I went into the kitchen. My father was waiting for me in the kitchen, he had made sandwiches for us. We sat in silence with my sister Mia and ate our food, not knowing what to say in this newfound loneliness. My sister and I sat on our uncomfortable wooden chairs. We both ate in silence. Neither of us dared speak. We had no idea what to talk about. I let out a moan that broke the silence and caught the attention of my family. They all stared at me. My father asked me what was wrong. I had no idea what to say. I was having a hard time adjusting to my mother's sudden absence, although it was nice to have more time to myself. They inquired about my distress, but all I could do was moan more, unable to articulate the turmoil inside me. The breakfasts were not as tasty as the ones Mother used to make for us, but they were good. It was a great improvement on our father's cooking.

Which meant they were fine. Mia was sad. She seemed to miss Mum too. Although adjusting to my mother's sudden absence was a challenge, I found solace in the loneliness it brought. With a mixture of conflicting emotions, I finished my sandwich and ventured out. On my way to school, I ran into the enigmatic figure known as the Black Raven again. We walked past each other and I tried to ignore his presence, but he persisted in his pursuit. Annoyed, I turned to confront him, demanding to know what he wanted. He claimed to be offering his assistance, explaining that he wanted to train me for an impending danger. Confused, I questioned him further, only to discover that he had no knowledge of the specific threat. According to him, we both possessed unique qualities, and he presented me with a syringe containing a mysterious green liquid. He claimed that injecting it would give me temporary strength to overcome the impending danger. Left alone with the syringe, I decided to hide it to avoid further encounters with the Black Raven. As a result, I altered my usual route to school to avoid him altogether.

It was her first day at a new school. She was unsure, especially as she couldn't remember anything. Then she saw a girl with green eyes and blonde hair. The strange young girl seemed to be busy with something and Celina silently sat down next to her. After sitting next to her, Celina watched her for a while. The girl had blonde hair and pale green eyes. She did her work in silence. Celina was impressed by her diligence. It felt somehow good to see her working. So Celina asked her name. The girl told her that it was Alice. She was calm and quiet. Celina found Alice kind of cool. But she had a feeling that Alice would disagree. Alice was a mysterious and strange girl. It was hard to know what was going on inside her. There was a strange atmosphere around this strange girl. She was somehow different. When Alice gnawed on her pencil while thinking, it fell out of her mouth. Celina picked it up and gave it back to her. Celina and Alice sat next to each other at school and got on well. They slowly became friends during the first few lessons. Celina really liked this girl called Alice.

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