f i f t y s e v e n

582 35 40

The weather was not helping.

It was raining heavily. Thunder roared multiple times since the evening. There's no sign of the rain stopping.

It's a cold night.

He needs something to warm him up.

Seungmin hugged his legs closer to his chest. He rested his chin on the knees and stared off the white mattress. He was shivering a bit but did not bother to call the nurse for extra blanket. Even if he does, he was sure the blanket won't help reducing the cold.

He needs her.

"Where is... Eunkyung?"

He remembered how guilty Felix looks when he asked the question as soon as he woke up, how his father turned away to avoid answering, how uncomfortable Eunji was standing next to his friend.

It was that moment he knew that his lover had left just the day before. Worse, they refused to tell anything.

Seungmin had not spoken anything since then. His heart cracked into pieces. Never once he thought Eunkyung would leave again especially when things had settled down. He was reminded by the day they planned so many things to do together after this. Would that dreams even come true?

He was hurt, he felt betrayed.

Thunder roared again, followed by a lightning strike that lit up the room in milliseconds. Seungmin did not flinch even an inch. He was drowned in his broken thoughts and mind. His cold fingers tangled with each other as if he was seeking warmth and comfort from a certain someone. His face buried in his knees hoping she would be there as soon as he looked up.

But none of that happened. He was still alone in the room.


Why did you leave me?

Soon, soft sobs echoed in the small room. He tried to contain his voice as much as he could, not wanting to alert the nurses and passerby especially at night. He just wanted her.

The next day wasn't any better.

The doctor and his nurse came to do more check ups. Every questions were replied with head movements, yes or no. Even his father didn't know what he should do to make him speak.

Seungmin blankly stared at the packed lunch in front of him. Archer Kim left for awhile so he was alone, again. He struggled to open the packaging before a hand helped him.

Seungmin immediately shot his head up.

"Eat to gain energy, you're so weak."

To his disappointment, Felix opened the plastic packaging. The freckled guy casted him a glance and stifled a laugh, "You are not the Kim Seungmin that I know."

"Are you still not going to tell me?" Seungmin muttered while taking the lunch from Felix's hand. His stomach started to grumble.

"I've told you what I know. She's away only for awhile. Eunkyung will be back."

His heart clenched hearing the name.

He missed her.

"She left because of me, isn't it?" he thought out loud, startling Felix. "I have this feeling since forever. She acts like she wants to protect me by leaving. It's ridiculous."

Felix remained silent.

The solemn guy picked the food with the cutlery. "She almost end it all that night but I asked her out. She's always wanted to leave me."

The air in the room was cold. Felix couldn't say anything because that was exactly what Eunkyung told him. Plus, he had never seen Seungmin in this condition. He looked so devastated.

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