t h i r t y

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The low pigtails were her signature style.

Both of them were pushed forward, draped over her shoulders next to her chest and the bangs had small curls at the end of it.

That made her appearance looked adorable, innocent and childlike. Especially with that height.

He was sure if they stand next to each other the tallest her head could reach his body part is his shoulders.

However, looks can be deceiving.

Some people say short people actually have bad temper, mostly because all of their anger are compressed in the tiny body. Small but aggressive. And Felix thinks it is proven to be true.

It's just another day of them bumping onto each other and followed by teasing and turned into an argument.

It was the muffin looking girl again.

Felix remembered how Eunkyung pointed out that he did not know her name yet. Well, it's not like he's not interested, but he could not find her name tag. The guy furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes glanced at the left side of her chest.

Thinking of something else, the girl kicked his shin, hard, and crossed her arms against her chest with a terrified look.


"Wait what–"

"This freckles right here is a pervert!" she screamed, making some of the students turned their head to see Felix panicking. He shook his head as he tried to shut her mouth but she kept walking backwards. "Stay right there! You were looking at my– my chest!"

"I am not!" he defended himself. "Hey!"

"Then what are you doing?!" her voice grew louder. Felix was flustered as a small crowd started to form around them.

"Your name tag!" he quickly replied as he pointed to the missing spot. "You've never had a name tag around and I'm just– I'm curious why you don't wear it when it's compulsory for everyone–"

"Oh so now you want to know my name? For what, exactly?" the short girl lashed, and a few whispering started to rise.

"Is he hitting on her?"

"Aren't they always arguing?"

"Oh, I didn't know the son of the royal's driver would do this."

"Why does he want to know if she's wearing a tag or not? He's not a prefect."

"Maybe that's just an excuse."

Felix's jaw dropped in disbelief. He didn't know it could be this bad when he just wanted to know her name. More whispers could be heard before he shot everyone around him a dirty look. Instantly, they shut their mouth.

Felix was popular as the royal's driver's son, as the princess' friend, known as his unique facial features and his voice. To add on it, he is friendly so other students respect him as the way he is as a person.

However, when the smallest, bad thing happened – though it was clearly a misunderstanding – they are not sure about it anymore.

The girl narrowed her eyes at the guy and at the same time feeling a small victory arose inside of her. She liked the small winning she gained as people were on her side. But when everyone went silent because of his glare, she secretly gulped, feeling a bit intimidated.

"You know you're wrong for not wearing a name tag. I'm just pointing that out." was what he said before leaving.

That... was the first time Felix had spoken with her seriously with his famous deep voice.

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now