f o r t y t h r e e

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"There is no vehicle registered under his name or the unknown ones."

Haknyeon nodded firmly at the report before going into the king's office. As soon as he got in, he met with despaired faces.

"Your Majesty,"

"Leave it on the table."

Haknyeon pursed his lips as if he wanted to say something but did it nevertheless. He glanced towards the two princesses on the couch.

Wait, two?

"Have you seen Eunji?" the king asked out of sudden. Haknyeon stood up straight and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I haven't seen her since this morning but she was with Minho here after last night. I'm sure she is just out to find Princess Eunkyung."

The king turned to him and lightly nodded. There was a little comfort on his face as soon as Haknyeon said that. "You may leave."

"Can I tag along?" Eunhee suddenly stopped Haknyeon, not bothering to look at her parent's faces. "I need to find her too."

"Royal family need to stay in the castle, Her Royal Highness."

"But I fought with her before what if she–" the princess trailed off, nearly crying. Eunsoo went to her side to comfort her and gave Haknyeon a small smile.

"I apologise, you may go now."

The man bowed once again. He left the room but as soon as the door closed, it opened again, revealing Eunhee.

"Your Highness,"

"I want to see Minho."

"He is coming in a few minutes. Stay inside for the meantime." Haknyeon ordered but being the stubborn princess, she shook her head. Instead, she followed him until they reached the first floor, where there were some guests being treated.

Just then, the main door opened. Eunhee immediately ran towards the figure right after she recognised her best friend.


"Eunhee, don't run–" he couldn't finish his sentence when the girl attacked him with a hug. She wrapped her arms tightly around his torso as if he was going to be gone in the next few minutes. The man froze for a second. "Hey,"

"I thought you were gone too," she muttered. "Eunji is not here as well."

"Ah," he smiled softly while patting her head. "Eunji visits Arin, the girl who was missing a few days ago. There's nothing to worry about."


Minho fell silent.

He remembered how devastated Seungmin was last night. He recalled how the door was slammed shut in front of his face because Eunhee was disappointed in herself. He saw the regret in the king when the main door was closed, not allowing people going in and out anymore. All because of the abducted last princess.

Even though this was not happening to him, he could not imagine losing someone close to him.

Eunhee looked up to him while detaching the hug. She wiped her tears and sniffed, "I need to find my sis–"

He immediately pulled her into his embrace, shaking his head, "Not you alone. If something happens I can't afford losing you as well."

Her eyes slightly widened. She blinked her eyes as her heart beats faster than the usual. Gulping, she mumbled, "Not me technically alone... I will join Haknyeon and–"

"We will find her together. I'm joining as well." he cut her off. "Together, okay? Just don't get out of my sight."

The princess slowly nodded when Minho cupped her cheeks firmly. She could feel heat creeping up before he said, "Good. But now let's help the injured one first."

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now