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I put my head down while entering the room. Everytime I enter my parents' office something bad will happen. I'm not ready to hear it.

My sisters were already there.

"How are you today honey?" my mom's soft voice greeted me.

"Terrible." I stood in front of them. I braved myself to look at my father. He had this stern look, that's enough to scare me off.

The deadly silence continued for a minute until my father spoke up, "You have broken the rules, Eunkyung."

I nodded lightly.

"We've come to a decision where you will be put into homeschool until your legs heal and extra night classes," he announced. I closed my eyes in protest. "This is for your safety. We cannot let any of our princesses in danger."

I bit my lower lip, feeling the stares I got from my sisters. As much as I wanted to object, I couldn't. I broke the rules.

"You will no longer attend the sword fighting class."

My head shot up to them

Are they serious?

"But," my father raised a brow. "but.. will you let me practice too?" I asked, more like mumbling the words. "Other than archery and horse riding, will you let me practice sword fighting too? Please?" I literally begged them.

Again, silence fell upon us. At this moment I was starting to lose hope. My fingers twiddled with one another. I could not even imagine if they took away all of my swords and fighting suits from me.

"Swords aren't toys."

"So are arrows." I replied almost immediately.

"Eunkyung, we've talked about this." my father's voice was still calm. I did not want to make him angry, but I did not want to lose my swords either.

Taking a shallow breath, I continued, "Sonia taught me since I was little. I know how to use swords. I promise."

"What about last night honey?" My mother interfered. "How did you get injured?"

My breath hitched.

I opened my mouth to speak but there's no words coming out. I hid my hands behind my back and nervously looked at my father.

"Is it Seungmin?"

"No." I instantly shook my head. "He saved me, he didn't do anything."

"Save you from who?"

"It's not a person," I half lied. "W-we were lost in the woods and I kept stumbling over roots. And fell for one time. My hand was scratched."

Believe me, believe me please.

"And he was there to catch and treated my injury."

Our parents left the room. I released the breath I was holding and walked limply to my sisters. Before I could sit down, my sister above me, Min Eunhee pulled me into a hug. Followed by Eunji and the oldest, Eunsoo. When the group hug was formed a tear escaped my eye. I sobbed.

"Don't cry," Eunhee patted my head. "It's alright, they just want to make you safe."

"You still can do sword fighting. They are not taking away the swords right?" I nodded at Eunsoo's words.

Still, I cannot go out. Learning sword fighting with teachers is different and more fun compared to learning alone. I don't have anyone to fight with, I cannot learn new techniques, I cannot observe their movements.

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now