Chapter Sixteen - Dressrosa, Another Brother, and Fighting Doflamingo

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Keiko sat at her desk. A pen in her hand. A trasfonder snail in the upper right hand corner of her desk. Mari, Masako, and Mishiko where all asleep. Keiko was again planning and plotting. She was also adding to her log book. She glanced up and looked to the picture right across from her. The one of her father. She looked to the left of it. A ghost of a smile on her face. Know looking at the picture of her and her grandfather. The smile slightly widened. Her eyes glanced to the final and last picture. The picture of her sister figure and god child. Keiko only smiled wider. At the picture.

Keiko sat not to far from where Law spoke with Doflamingo. Her brother then took the snail from him. Keiko only sighed. And ignored the conversation. Until. Doflamingo said something that only Keiko understood. Pure rage took over. Her eyes instantly went from emerald green to ruby red. She stood up and walked to the snail ripping it out of her brothers hands and growling out the next few words. "Your ass better be lying. Because I promise you. If your not. There. Will. Be. Hell. To. Pay." Not even glancing at the others. She hung up the snail. Her eyes glowing a bright red. Her brother flinched. The last time she was this mad she signal handedly won a war.

Keiko closed her eyes. She once again wore red Make up. With a golden outline. Her nails where long and claw like. Painted black and red with small jewels outlining her nails. She wore a red dress with a black corset. Brown gloves that are missing three fingers on both her hands. She wore black leggings with combat boots. On went up to her thigh while the other went to the middle of her cave. A red cloak around her shoulders. Those who accompanied her where Zoro, Franky, Ace, Sanji, and the Samurai. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun. Her hat hung around her neck.

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