Chapter 17: Let the Super Tournament of Power Begin!

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Chen's Coliseum

Goku: "We're here!"

Vania: "Amazing! I never knew you had teleportation techniques!"

Goku: "It's called "Instant Transmission"! This technique will track everyone and every whereabouts with their energies around!"

Lloyd:  "Huh, we're back in Chen's tournament..."

Zane: "(Sigh) This really brings back bad memories back then..."

Pixal: "Me too..."

Goku: "Well this is our own tournament now! I want to see how strong you guys break the limits of power!"

Lloyd: "Yes Goku, it would be an honor..."

Skylor: "Alright, once you enter it you grab a ball of numbers in this box when your name is called."

Goku: "Exactly!"

Jay: "Does that always happen when you're in the tournament, Goku?"

Goku: "Yep, I know so much about it from many times as I always enjoy the fight!"

Skylor: "Okay, first up is...Kai."

Kai: "Alright, what's my lucky number going to be?"

Kai: "3!"

Kai's Thought: (I'll bet my opponent will be Goku, but I won't hold back this time! Hopefully this tournament will be as awesome as the Tournament of Elements!)

Skylor: "Next, up is...Jay."

Jay: "Okay then what's my number...? Ah, number 7, not bad..."

Skylor: "Nya..."

Nya: "Hmmmm...10!"

Skylor: "Akita..."

Akita: "Oh, okay then...Right grab a number ball thingy and...9!"

Skylor: "Next is...Cole."

Cole: "Let's see which one should I pick?"

Cole: "Woah, number 1! Alright!"

Skylor: "Zane..."

Zane: "My number is 4!"

Skylor: "Pixal..."

Pixal: "Number 5..."

Pixal's Thought: (Wait, does that mean my opponent is...Zane?!)

Skylor: "Lloyd..."

Lloyd: "2!"

Skylor: "Skylor, that would be me...6!"

Skylor: "Last but not least...Goku!"

Goku: "Okay, let's see uhhhh...Ah number 8!"

Lloyd: "Holy cow! Goku, look, your opponent is

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Lloyd: "Holy cow! Goku, look, your opponent is...!"

Akita: (Gasp)

Nya: "I don't believe it!"

Cole: "It all comes down to this..."

Akita's Thought: (At last, me and Goku this is exactly what I want!)

Goku: "Heh heh, this is my lucky day...! Better watch out Akita because I'm all fired up!"

Akita: "Just you wait Goku...My powers are doubled compared to your Saiyan and god powers...!"

Lloyd: "Akita, are you sure you're up for it?"

Akita: "Lloyd, you don't need to worry about me...I'm more capable of defeating him with my Formling wolf form. This is my way! I'll fight him for my!"

Lloyd: "Akita...Of course, do your best!"

Akita: 😊

Jay: "I don't believe it, me face off against Nya?!"

Nya: "Well we can't throw the towel out. But I'm sure we'll have a fair fight with each other...I won't play dirty on you Jay!"

Jay: "Heh heh heh, that's what I like to hear, let's both do our best!"

Nya & Jay: 🤜🤛

Zane: "It's you and me now..."

Pixal: "Yes..."

Kai: "I'm fighting with Skylor..."

Skylor: "And I'm fighting with Kai..."

Kai: 😳

Skylor: 🤭

Kai's Thought: (This might be the time when our match concludes, I'm going to ask her...!)

Wu: "Now then, the first match will be..."

Wu: "...Goku vs Akita!"

Goku: "It's about time I had a better chance to fight you, Akita the Formling!"

Akita: "So do I, Goku the Saiyan warrior!"

Skylor: "Go on Akita, you can beat him, we still believe in you!"

Nya: "Yeah! Never lose your site, just don't hold anything back! Go

Jay: "Come on Goku, show her what you made of!"

Cole: "Give her everything you have in all out battle!"

Lloyd's Thought: (I don't know who am I cheering for, things are just stuck between rock in a hard place!)

Vania: "I believe this is happening, I very much like to see what a Saiyan and a Formling Wolf girl could do!"

Akita: "I've been waiting for this for so long and now I can finally knock you out with my Formling power compared to the Ki! I'll show you what truly a Formling could do! Prepare yourself Goku! I am your rival!"

Goku: "You're on! Because I'm getting really excited about this...! I won't go easy on ya, Akita! Let's get started!"

Wu: "Best of luck to match you two, remember only one can remain..."

Goku: "Right...!"

Akita: "Understood...!"

Goku & Akita: "Let's go!"

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Goku & Akita: "Let's go!"

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