Chapter 2: Return of The Wolf Girl! Goku Becomes a Teacher?!

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The Ninja: "Master Wu!"

They prayed their master's appearance

Goku's Thoughts : (Master Wu...)

Wu: "Hello Goku, I'm so pleased to meet you. (Pray)"

Goku: "Oh, thank you and nice to meet you too master. (Pray)"

Wu: (Respectively) "Please, you can call me Wu. I must say I'm impressed by your skills, the Super Saiyan form and power within you is amazing. Come with me, I would like to hear your tales of you from your world." 

Goku: "Sure... (Talk to The Ninja) I'll be back in just a minute you guys."

Wu: "The rest of you continue your basics."

The Ninja: "Yes sensei!"

Goku walked to Wu for a conversation as they went through inside the Monastery. 

Ninja's Training

Jay: "Can't you guys believe it?! I mean like that's the coolest interesting fighter I have ever seen!"

Lloyd: "Goku has so much potential he has increased it with an intense power. I don't know about you guys but, we need to ask him to teach us how to unlock Ki energy. Maybe this will combine our elements so we can become more powerful like him!"

Zane: " I agreed with Lloyd. We must master our strengths. But remember what Goku said..."


Goku: " I don't want to waste some of my Ki, once I recover this state, I'll be ready back in full strength."

Zane: "That could happen to us once we'll begin to start training with him. I'm sure we can control that massive energy without holding ourselves up."

Kai: "Even so, I'm tired of all the exercises we've been doing for many years since we became ninja. (Excited) But, I just feel goosebumps inside me, like literally I'm getting excited about that new power!"

Nya: " Don't get too cocky bro. You're anxiously waiting for Goku to teach us the new abilities. (Tease) Unless you're a chicken."

Kai: " Tch... as if, I'm cool enough to unlock this power, it'll be a piece of cake and easy as pie."

Nya: "(Sigh) Oh brother..."

Lloyd: " I don't think so, Kai. This may not be the easiest basics but we'll accomplish it soon."

Cole: "Guys I've been thinking.."

Zane: "Yes Cole?"

Cole: "I know Goku is a Saiyan fighter at all...but I wonder how many of his mankind are and where they come from."

Jay: " Yeah, I'm curious to hear his backstory.

Lloyd: "Master Wu was still in conversation with him in private. I still have trust in Goku. His behaviors are really generally kind to us."

Nya: "Yeah, he's pretty awesome! I'm so excited to train with him, that power was incredible!"

Nya: "Yeah, he's pretty awesome! I'm so excited to train with him, that power was incredible!"

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