Chapter 5: Explore The Tour of Ninjago City Part 2: Confession and Love Stories

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While Goku talks to everyone about his epic battle against the brutal monster Saiyan warrior Broly, he explains everything during the final battle

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While Goku talks to everyone about his epic battle against the brutal monster Saiyan warrior Broly, he explains everything during the final battle. Thus the Ninja felt amazingly surprised by his battle with Saiyans. After his tale, everyone enjoyed the lovely park as they sat together and watched the sky. The Ninja close together with their ships; Nya/Jay, Kai/Skylor, and Zane/Pixal... Akita felt shy because she wanted to get close to Lloyd for her ship. But she doesn't know how to confess her feelings...So she decides to talk to Nya and her 2 girls about her true love...

Akita: (Whispering)"Excuse me Nya, may I speak to you, Skylor, and Pixal in private please? I need your love expert for love please."

Nya: "Sure... Skylor, Pixal can you come with us?"

Skylor: "Hm? Yeah, I'm coming..."

Pixal: "I'll go with you..."

Nya: "We'll be right back you guys!"

Lloyd: "Oh, okay..."

Goku's Thought: (You got this Akita...)


Nya: "So, what would you like to tell us?"

Akita: (Shy) "You see...I...I...ha..."

Skylor: "Oh I see how it is...You're telling us that you had a crush on Lloyd."

Akita: (Blushing turned red) "Ye...Yeah... you see the only reason why I need 3 of you is because of Goku's advice for me. I told him about my feelings for Lloyd last night at his room. You're the only ones that I'll bring my Green Ninja with me for my love."

Nya: (Smile) "Oh Akita...of course we'll help you bring your ship."

Pixal: (Smile) "Indeed, you're a great friend to us because of how much we care so much about you and Goku..."

Skylor: (Smile) "We still got your back, Lloyd will never let you go until you still have your soul for him...We really like you a lot Akita."

Akita: (Happy tears) "You girls..."


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