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Warning: This chapter contains kidnapping, mentions of murder, and underage drug usage

Thank you, and enjoy :3

"Uh, Sensei? I'm getting worried..." Jirou spoke, anxiously twirling the earphone jack on her earlobe. She was currently standing in front of All Might's desk at the end of the school day. Everyone in the class had already left, leaving her and All Might alone in the classroom.

"I've told you already. It's normal for him to come and go in the house. He'll come back when he realizes he doesn't have enough food to sustain himself." She shook her head, averting her gaze to the floor and clenching her fists at her sides.

"I'm sorry to be rude, Sensei, but you're not understanding me. (Y/n) always texts me. He's my best friend. We've known each other for a few months now, and we text nearly everyday. He never leaves my messages unopened, and he hasn't been online in days. I highly suggest filing a missing persons report for him, or else I'll file one myself. Because this isn't like him. I can't help but think the worst... I have a bad hero instinct that you're overlooking this..." They stood in silence for a minute or two, and Jirou was beginning to get pissed at his ignorance.

She only partially believed the awful things (Y/n) said about All Might, but this interaction was opening her eyes a little. He genuinely didn't seem to care whether his son was dead or alive. And that angered every fiber of her being. However, she had to keep her composure. This was her teacher, after all. She bowed in front of him, hands shaking and jaw clenched.

"Thank you for your time," she forced out, straightening herself and leaving the room without so much as a glance behind her. She gradually began to walk faster, almost sprinting through the halls at some point. Tears stung her irises as she burst through the double doors leading her outside. She stood firm in front of the building. Her knees began shaking and her lips quivered as she viewed the area with blurry eyes. A sob escaped her throat, and she brought her hands to her chest as her breathing became heavier. Tears now flowed down her cheeks, and she collapsed to her knees on the ground. She sobbed into her palms on the ground for a minute or two, before cursing herself and rubbing her eyes. "What are you?? What are you?? You're a hero! Get up and find him yourself, you fucking coward! Sitting here crying isn't doing him any good!"

Jirou pushed herself off of the ground, yelling at her own idiocy. She couldn't believe she had just sat on the ground, sobbing like a helpless toddler for an amount of time that she could have put towards finding (Y/n). Shaking her head and rubbing her eyes one last time, she took a deep breath and started running home. She'd try tracking his phone first, she decided.

— — —

"Himiko..." (Y/n) whispered, squinting to see the female in the dimly lit room. He couldn't say for sure where they were, but he could only assume that it was some sort of basement. She giggled, nodding her head and stepping underneath the single lightbulb that hung in the center of the room.

"Reminds me of when we first met, and I stepped under the streetlight to show you what I looked like." (Y/n) nodded, studying her carefully. "Sorry I have to keep you tied up like this. You're still not sleeping enough! You were out for three days, so I had to tie you to the chair in case you woke up while I was gone." After she spoke, (Y/n) looked down to notice that he was in fact tied to a chair. Quite tightly, too. He let out a quiet sigh through his nose, slowly and carefully wrapping his fingers around whatever was keeping his hands tied behind his back. He felt rope, and began to gently tug at it. It was rather tight, but he figured if he could stall long enough, he'd be able to pull it off and work his way out of the chair from there.

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