Trust Issues

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions and innuendos of abuse

Thank you, and enjoy :D

"..Am I interrupting something?" All Might let out a small sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. The boy at his side looked to (Y/n) and began screaming, his expression filled with absolute terror.

"WHO IS THAT!?!?" He yelled, taking a few steps back.

"Young Midoriya... This is my son, (Y/n)," All Might explained, looking to his son standing at the staircase. "(Y/n) you really couldn't have picked a worse time to show up. Why aren't you on a walk like you are seemingly every other minute??" He ignored his dad's question and instead looked to Midoriya with a small smirk.

"Ah, you're the kid he's replacing me with. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. You're a lot more skittish than I would've assumed, considering he tends to be rather picky with who his successor is." (Y/n)'s smirk quickly turned to a genuine smile and he walked closer to him. Midoriya stepped back anxiously, frantically looking from All Might to (Y/n), unsure of how to react. (Y/n) stopped and put his hands up. "Nothing you gotta be afraid of kid, just wanna shake your hand."

Midoriya's eyes widened briefly and he grabbed his hand, shaking it furiously while simultaneously bowing like a maniac.

"I'm very sorry sir!! Please forgive me for being so rude!!" (Y/n) chuckled lowly, looking to All Might.

"It's been what, four months, and you haven't mentioned my name once?"

"Well- No... I was waiting for the right moment to properly introduce you."

"Alright kid, that's enough," (Y/n) said, pulling his hand back aggressively.


"Damn. I don't see what's in him that makes you think he'll be any better of a student than me."

"(Y/N)!! Leave young Midoriya alone!"

"You first, fucking asshat," (Y/n) snapped, stepping forwards slightly to glare right into All Might's eyes.

"What is going on here..." Midoriya muttered, shaking his head and looking away, muttering a bunch of possibilities in order to make some sense of everything happening. (Y/n) glanced in his direction.

"I think he's defective. I'd say get a new one. I can't see him being the next number one." Midoriya looked to him, stuttering out different sounds, trying to form a sentence to combat his remark.

"Go take a walk, (Y/n)."

"Don't mind if I do," he replied, walking over to the kitchen and grabbing an energy drink from the fridge. "Y'know, I was gonna try to save him, but I don't even think he's really worth saving. He'll never make it in the hero world, and you'll just have another disappointment on your hands. So have fun wasting more of your already limited time, All Might."

And with that, he walked out the front door and began walking downtown, putting in his earbuds as he walked.

A few hours later, he returned home, deciding to go in through his window rather than bothering his father. The last thing he wanted to see right now was his face. Of course, as soon as he pulled himself through his window, he was greeted with a different face. They stared at each other for a few seconds.

"What are you doing in my room."

"I.. I'm very sorry, (Y/n)-kun! A-All Might had said I could look around, I-I didn't think you'd be upset about me being in your room. Except, now that I think about it, you have every reason to be upset and angry. I mean, I would be upset if someone went traipsing around in my room without my knowledge. Well maybe not angry about it, but still rather upset..." He didn't stop there. He kept rambling until eventually he lost his train of thought and couldn't find anything else to say.

"..Are you done now?" Midoriya nodded, hardly able to keep his mouth shut, but figuring it'd be best given the situation. "Good. And by the way, I'm not upset or angry, I'm just not used to other people being in my room. I've been isolated my entire life, which is why you've never heard about me. But yeah, it's ok to be in here so long as you don't touch any of my shit. And keep the door closed," (Y/n) explained to him, closing the window and then walking to the other side of the room and closing the door.

"O-ok! Thank you, (Y/n)-kun!" Midoriya bowed, causing (Y/n) to raise an eyebrow at him.

"You can stop with the formalities, it makes me sick," he said, causing Midoriya to straighten up quickly. "Anyway, how's the old man been treating you?"

"That.. That's no way to talk to All Might! He's the number one hero, you should be so grateful and lucky to be related to him." (Y/n) laughed and shook his head.

"He's better off dead. Which won't be very long now considering his health state." Midoriya stared blankly at him, trying to come up with a response. "Of course, you wouldn't agree with me. You haven't lived with him for 19 years. Although, considering how limited his time left is, you'll probably go through what I went through in 19 years in about 2 or 3." (Y/n) paused and sat down on his bed, propping his elbows on his knees.

"But, I haven't suffered for nearly two decades for him to use his same tactics on someone else. So, I want to help you out."

"Wait a minute now... What has All Might done that's so bad?" Midoriya asked, sitting on the floor in front of him, thoroughly intrigued.

"How much do you idolize him?"

"Well... That's.. embarrassing to talk about..."

"Goddammit, this is not gonna be easy... To make a long story short, living with him has been physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive and I would hate for anyone to go through what I had to. That being said, I want you to get out of this mess before anything happens to you."

"All Might would never do those things... He's a hero, he always saves people with a smile, and tries to save everyone no matter what! So what you're saying can't possibly be true!"

"I don't know how to convince you, kid. You just gotta take my word on it," (Y/n) said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I won't accept your offer, because I don't see your side at all. But I will take what you said as a warning, and be more conscious about what goes on."

"Thank you for at least considering it. And, if you do end up getting into UA and get on the road to becoming his successor, I just want to congratulate you. Because making it that far is something that I couldn't even do. But, if you don't get that far, you know where to find me when he finds a replacement for you." He stood up from his bed and walked over to his bedroom door, opening it. "In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your tour. Don't tell my dad that I'm here, alright? I can't deal with the shit he's planning on saying to me now." Midoriya nodded and stood.

"Thank you for telling me about this. I really hope that what you're saying about All Might isn't true, but I'll keep what you said in mind. Oh, and I will become the next number one hero, no matter how hard I have to work for it," he said, walking out of his room.

"Sureee... Wait, kid. Really quick, what's your quirk?"

"Well, actually... I don't have one yet..." (Y/n) laughed.

"Good luck to you then. He told me for years that I'd be the next One For All holder, but you see how that worked out, because I'm still quirkless. Hope it works out for you though. Send me a postcard from the Hero Academy, or something," he said, closing the door and locking it. He let out a loud sigh and collapsed onto his bed.

It was mid-afternoon, nearly evening, but (Y/n) was exhausted. He hadn't slept for around three or four days, and caffeine wasn't doing the trick anymore. Plus, he had no reason to stay awake anymore. Himiko had stopped showing up downtown or in the woods at night. She hadn't shown up in months, and (Y/n) was heavily concerned for her. He tried searching for her, but couldn't seem to find her anywhere.

He had gone out looking every night since then, but he was starting to lose hope. He must've said something that she didn't like and she left him. Or maybe she ran out of places to stay and left town. There were many possibilities, but (Y/n) still had absolutely no idea which one was true. Tonight, he decided that he would get some sleep during the night for the first time in years. So he did. After staying up on his phone for a while, he fell asleep around ten o'clock and didn't wake up until about seven in the morning. He slept right through two o'clock like it never even happened.

Word count: 1525

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