HC How they react to reader liking cute things

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Aaaah, the book is almost at 600 reads so thank you all very much for reading! Special thanks to all of you who have voted on these one shots and headcanons of mine, it really encourages me to keep writing more. Anyway on to the headcanons!



How they react to reader liking cute things



(Separate) Law, Robin, Luffy, Sanji, Perona, Bepo, Kid and Whitebeard

Fluff, little bit of humour,
(P) for platonic, (R) for romantic, others can be read as either

Word count: 702 words


How they react to reader liking cute things


-he also likes cute things
-if you plan on going to shop for anything cute he asks if he can tag along so he can use you as a cover for buying cute things
-he is very jealous of you if you interact with cute things more freely
-if he trusts you he'll show you his collection of cute things. Most of them are plushies, since he likes cute and soft things, and stationary, since they are actually functional
-when he's buying something cute for himself he'll buy you something as well
-very observant about what kind of cute things you prefer over other cute things


-she also likes cute things
-isn't shy about it, but also hasn't really told anyone
-has a very vivid imagination so when she thinks of something cute she now tells you all about it
-would take a picture of something cute she saw, or draw it if she doesn't have a camera handy, just so she can show it to you later
-she personally doesn't own too many cute things, but enjoys window shopping for them instead

Luffy (R)

-doesn't get it, but also doesn't care
-if it makes you happy why should he?
-doesn't have a proper sense of what's cute aside from that he thinks you're cute
-so him pointing to things he thinks might be cute is a bit of a hit and miss
-if you ask him if he thinks something is cute he will simply tell you "I think you're cute" and then either doesn't elaborate or tells you about something you did he thought was cute, completely forgetting your original question
-most of the time unhelpful, but trying his best


-thinks you are precious and adorable
-all your food that can look cute will look cute, he makes sure of it!
-unless you are unable to eat them... in that case he makes any packaging he might use cute instead!
-buys things for you he thinks you might like, vets it by asking a million people which one of the things he's holding is cuter
-enables and encourages your interest the best he can


-also likes cute things, but more on the ugly cute and creepy cute side
-if you also lean that way she'll be very excited to talk to you about it
-even if you are more on the traditionally cute side she'll always tell you about something she saw that she thinks you might like or just outright gets it for you
-shows off her cuter outfits and plushie collection to you
-very happy she now has someone to talk to that shares her interest

Bepo (P)

-you remind him of captain, but less restrained in your love of cuteness
-will accept cuddles, hugs and pets from you, it's minkship for him after all
-he is used to being used as a stress reliever so feel free to glomp him
-lets you occasionally push/touch his paw pads
-tells you if he saw something cute on an island
-points out animals for you when you two are walking together
-he will however always prioritize his captain
-will use his cute face to persuade you if he needs you to do something


-doesn't get it
-but also doesn't mind it as long as you don't shove it in his face
-a lot of people on his crew have their own niche things that they like or do so he's used to it
-might steal you something cute if he's feeling generous
-he might even make you something himself out of scrap metal
-will let you talk his ear off about cute things if you let him do the same to you about mechanical things and engineering


-finds you and your interests cute
-doesn't mind at all
-now knows what to advice his sons to get you for your birthday if they come to him for help
-thinks you are positively adorable when you gush to him about cute things
-if anyone makes fun of your interest they better be prepared either for a strong talking to or being stomped on, depending on their relation to him


Thank you for reading!

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