had a fight with a bottle of whisky last night

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The past 2 months were the same everything would be quiet for a week or two them boom Alex would come to my door drunk off his head on god knows what and again tonight was no different with the dreaded knock on the door

"That's it I've had enough" I snapped answering the door and none other than the man himself at the other side "Lucy why won't you take me back" he drunkinly slurred "alex I've had it up to here with this bullshit I'm not putting up with it now fuck off" I huffed closing the door but Alex stopped the door fully closing with his foot

"Come on don't be like that can I come in please" he asked Stumbling "no Alex you can't rhiannons asleep and if she wakes up to see you like this it will upset her" I said she saw alex like this drunk from her bedroom window from times he would come drunk and I wouldn't answer and it would distraught her

"I haven't seen her please can I just come say hello quickly" he asked "alex no I'm not letting you see her when your like this" I felt bad for not letting him see her I wouldn't do that for our differences but I won't let him see her when he's like this and if that's not his wake-up call then I don't know what is

Alex's eyes began to leak tears his expression was angry "you can't fucking stop me from seeing my daughter what gives you the fucking right" he snapped I wasn't shocked he reacted like this but someone has to tell him

"I'm her mother and you her father do you think she wants to see her dad drunk alex she's nine she's too young for this and until you get your act together then I'm sorry but as a mother I need to do what's right for rhiannon" I stated

"Your a evil cold hearted bitch you know that" he raised his voice now I was shocked never in a million years would I thought alex would ever say that to me "you got what you wanted you used me Lucy and at the slightest chance of getting rid of me you ran with it" he drunkinly slurred with rage I tried not to cry it wasn't true It wasn't

"You cheated on me alex and you expect me to run back to you with open arms fuck you" now raising my voice "I never fucking cheated alright can't you get that through your mind" he yelled
"You can't even admit it piss off alex don't even think about coming back near here" I yelled back

"You know what Me and you were done"he nearly tumbled down the stairs outside "I fucking hate you" I yelled slamming my door shut locking it turning with my back against the wood sliding down sobbing my eyes out

I took my phone and called miles to get him to talk some sense into alex punching in the numbers and pressed call I waited on an answer within 2 rings miles picked up

"He was at yours wasn't he" miles sighed all I did was sob my heart out "he's a prick miles I hate him" was all I said "what happened" miles asked I told him everything miles said I was in the right no parent would want their child to see that and said he'll talk some sense into him when he's home and sobered up hopefully he makes a change

(Miles pov)
I sat waiting on alex coming back drunk I had it with him I love him he's my best mate but sometimes you can feel like you want to knock some sense into them and that's what I'm going to do

I waited on the armchair for about an hour but Alex didn't come home it was late I tried to call him but no answer I couldn't be bothered with awaiting worried about him anymore he'll most likely took the wrong turn and got lost down the street I was so tired all I wanted was sleep

I entered my bedroom l laid on my bed trying to drift off to sleep but I can't stop worrying about alex what if he's lost, been attacked anything can happen when he's pissed out his head 'fuck this' I mentally said pulling out my phone trying to ring alex Soon enough he picked up

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now