family night

631 21 4

(Lucy's pov)
"Rhiannon come on we need to leave now or we'll miss the reservation" I called chuckling alex decided that since Rhiannon did well on her first day of school and to spend some family time before he leaves on Thursday just 3 days away

"Coming" rhiannon called back sprinting out her room as fast as her little legs could take her
She wore blue jeans that had little love hearts speckled over them paired with a pink sweatshirt with a sequined heart on the front her brown hair straightened with a pink headband and little white converse

"Is everehbodeh readeh" alex asked
Me and Rhiannon said yes and we left the house locking the front door and unlocking the car doors
I straped my daughter into her car seat making sure she's secured into the seat before hopping into the passenger side

I pulled down the bottom on my smock dress as I sat down on the passenger seat then pulling down the sun visor checking myself in the mirror making sure my hair was okay and my makeup was fine
"Right let's go" alex beamed causing Rhiannon to cheer and for me to chuckle

The drive was fun the radio blasting in the car me Alex and Rhiannon singing from the top of our lungs
Rhiannon swinging her head and legs to the beat enjoying herself

Alex Parked the car in the parking lot infront of the restaurant
Me and alex exited the car alex took rhiannon out the car since she was on his side
"Let's go get some grub" he smiled to his daughter placing her on the ground taking her hand and I took her other one entering the restaurant

There was a waiter standing by a stall waiting to take our reservation
"Hello what name is the table booked for" they asked
"Turner" alex replied the waiter scanned through the book
"Ah right this way" they said guiding us to our table

We sat down at a booth rhiannon sitting beside her dad with a cheery smile on her face I sat opposite alex the waiter handing me and alex a menu and a kids one for rhiannon

"Wha' about the spaghetti rhi" alex suggested his finger pointing to the writing on the kids menu
"Yeah" she beamed the biggest smile on her face
"I'll probableh get the spiceh burger" alex mumbled scanning through the menu
"I'll have the same" I chuckled placing my menu down on the table as the waiter came back to take our order

The waiter took our orders and also getting our beverages for the evening which was 2 cokes for me and alex and a fruit shoot for rhiannon while we waited on our food

"Here we are" the waiter smiled handing our food to us
A chorus of thank yous were given to the waiter before they went and got on with their work
I took a bite of my burger while Alex help rhiannon get some spaghetti on her fork
"Mmhm this is delicious" I mumbled coving my mouth with my hand while I chewed on the burger

Alex took a bite of his burger nodding his head in agreement
"It is" he mumbled
"Can I try" rhiannon asked innocently to he fair the burger wasn't spicy at all so maybe a little bit wouldn't hurt
I pulled a bit of my burger off giving it to my 5 year old who shoved it in her mouth

"Nice isn't it monkeh" alex asked rhiannon nodded her head chewing on the burger
"It's yummy yummy" she giggled make me and alex chuckle
"Do you want another bit" I asked she looked like she was enjoying it
"A tiny but mummeh" she giggled I took another bit off giving it to my 5 year old 

Soon enough our plates were empty our stomachs full but just enough left for dessert
While we waited for the waiter to take our plates back I glanced over to Rhiannon to see her little face covered in spaghetti how did I not notice that
"Alex wipe her face she's got spaghetti over it" I giggled pointing to Rhiannon who had a cute innocent smile on her face

"Look at yeh yeh musta enjoyed yer food" alex chuckled taking a baby wipe from my bag to wipe our daughters face rhiannon let out a laugh nodding
"It was yummy yummy good for my tummy" she mumbled as alex wiped the red off her face making us both chuckle at rhiannon

"Would you like dessert" the waiter intrupted us
"Yes thank you" i smiled The waiter handing us the dessert menus then taking our plates away
"What would you like rhiannon" I asked my eyes scanning through the menu trying to look for something appetising
"Ice cream" she beamed I smiled while Alex helped her pick a flavour

We ordered our desserts and no longer than ten minutes later they were infront of us
We all got a chocolate sundee immediately digging into the cold deliciousness

After we ate alex asked for the bill and payed thanking the waiter that served us tonight giving them a tip
We putted our jackets on exiting the restaurant and into the car

"How about weh all Cuddle up in mummeh and daddehs room and watch a movie" alex suggested driving out the parking lot
"Yeah" rhiannon beamed from her car seat I smiled at the moment leaning my head against the window
"That sounds like a plan" I mumbled as alex switched the radio on for a carpool karaoke

Heart of glass by blondie playing as we drove home
Me and alex mumbling along while rhiannon sat in her car seat swinging her little legs to the beat
I felt Alex's hand hold mine interlocking our fingers together his other hand on the steering wheel
He took our locked hands to his lips placing a soft delicate kiss on the top of my hand

"I luv yeh so much" Alex smiled stealing a glance at me blushing before focusing on the  road
"I love you alex" I sighed happily
"Luv you mummeh and daddeh" rhiannon giggled cutely
"We love you too rhiannon" we sang

Soon enough we arrived home taking Rhiannon out her car seat alex carried her into the house in one arm the other wrapped around my waist
"Meh perfect little famileh" he whispered mostly to himself I gazed up at him pecking his cheek before opening our door

Alex placed rhiannon down telling her to get her pyjamas and go to our bedroom and off she went
Me and alex got some sweets and popcorn some soda and crisps for the movie

When I entered the bedroom rhiannon was sitting on mine and her dad's bed waiting on us with her beauty and the beast nightdress on
"I'll put my jammies on and we'll wait on daddy" I said grabbing my pyjamas for tonight which was an old long sleeve top that I had when I was pregnant and a pair of Alex's sweatpants

I quickly changed into them Alex came into the bedroom wearing just his pyjama bottoms holding a bowl of popcorn
"Rhiannon come 'elp daddeh pick summat teh watch" alex said holding his hand out that rhiannon took

They went over to the box we had in our closet full of dvds
Rhiannon rummaged through the box with alex who picked out the odd dvd for rhiannon to decide yes or no
"Wha' about this one it's about Halloween and Christmas" alex said holding the nightmare before Christmas
"And its mummehs favourite" he added raising an eyebrow

Rhiannon nodded her head eagerly while Alex placed the dvd in the dvd player rhiannon jumped into the middle of the bed with her stuffed dog Bruce
Alex slipped into the bed pulling me and Rhiannon close to him as the movie started
"Famileh movie night" alex beamed raising one arm in the air
"Family movie night" me and Rhiannon copied

During the movie rhiannon fell asleep I got tuned into the movie since its my absolute favourite
"I love this movie so much" I mumbled when the scene when Jack went to the North Pole and the song played
Alex chuckled
"I better put her teh bed" he said picking rhiannon up taking her to bed

About 2 minutes later he came back I was too busy stuffing my face with popcorn I felt Alex's side of the bed sinking down
"Come here babeh" alex said I shuffled closer to him snuggling into him as we watched the rest of the movie
"I luv yeh"he sighed
"I love you more" I stated
"Not even possible" he said in a posh accent pecking my lips a few times

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now