tattooed memories

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(May 2009) (Lucy's pov)

"Alex are you serious you just came back from touring with miles and you want to do it again" I sighed my hand rubbing on my temple in stress looking out the car window picking rhiannon and amy  up from school

"I know but meh and the boys already recorded the album and it's about to be released in a couple of weeks" alex explained running a hand through his now long hair
"What about rhiannon she hated when you were away you know she can't cope without you here" I sighed

"Come with meh" he whispered softly his eyes focused on the road
"What about her school she needs her education" I groaned now beginning to get frustrated with stress
"Fook the school We can home school her on the road there" alex shrugged like it was nothing

"Alex it's not as simple as that I mean she has her friends at school now and little amy their inseparable" I sighed again gazing out the car window
"Well yeh and zoe made basically a full album so maybe they can come so that means yous can kick start your band together" alex suggested me and zoe did record basically a full album with a couple of besides and we are considering starting a duo group together or as zoe likes to say female tlsp

"I'll have to talk with zoe but promise me alex after this tour it will be the last for a while" I begged I get that it's his job and the fans always want more of him christ I have the same job maybe not as popular since I haven't been on the music scene since the boys first tour

"I promise Lucy this will be the last tour for a while" alex said as we neared rhiannons school "when do you leave" I asked hoping it wasn't soon since Rhiannons birthday is around the corner only 4 days away

"End of the month I'm still here for Rhiannon's birthday" alex informed parking the car out side the school to pick rhiannon up
"We've still got five minutes I'm going to have a smoke before we go in the gates" I said pulling my pack of cigarettes out my jacket pocket handing one to alex

We stood in silence taking long drags of our cigarettes my mind was occupied with this tour should I go and just homeschool rhiannon, what about zoe she is a huge part of the album I'll just need to think through it with her

Now standing inside the school playground the bell rang and all the children came running out to find their parents all smiles on their face some parents came up to alex to chat with him and some mums with me

And there they were double trouble holding hand all smiles running over me and alex
"Mummeh,daddeh" rhiannon beamed
"Auntie Lucy uncle alex" amy followed

"Hiya girls how was school" alex asked taking rhiannons and I took Amy's hand "it was good daddy me and amy played singers like you and mummy" she said

"I bet you two were amazing" I smiled amy nodded "yes auntie Lucy we were the best band ever" she giggled "that wouldn't be hard girls" alex chuckled we put the girls in their car seats

A few hours later zoe came over to pick amy up the girls were in the bedroom playing princess so now would be best to talk to zoe about the tour

"Zoe I need to talk to you" I said handing her a cup of coffee sitting at the kitchen island
"Yeah what's up" she smiled taking a sip of the coffee

"Well alex is going back on tour at the end of the month and he suggested that we go with him and debut our album" I explained zoe gave it a thought for a moment before speaking
"I think it's a good idea"

"What about the girls and school" I sighed "homeschool them on the road" Maybe alex was right so that's that
"Let's debut this album and us" zoe cheered making me laugh

(13th November 2009)
"Look mummeh it's daddeh" rhiannons little voice beamed from the dressing room alex and the boys are on the stage of the Jonathan Ross show singing a new song from their recent album 'cornerstone' rhiannon stood infront of the tv in awe watching her dad and uncles performing on TV

Zoe sat beside me in a world of her own amy sat beside rhiannon playing with her dolls
"Look amy that's my daddeh on tv" rhiannons little voice beamed amy giggled ditching her dolls to watch alex perform

"We should get a matching tattoo" zoe randomly blurted out making my head turn to her
"What though" I asked with a chuckle zoe gave me a look as if to say 'you really asking me that' "Well our band obviously" she laughed
"martini police" I laughed yes our band is called martini police its sort of an inside joke when alex had a martini and said it didn't taste right and zoe said "what are you the martini police" and It kinda stuck from then not really a great name but it does kinda have a ring to it

"Let's do it" I smiled "and piercings" zie added making me burst out laughing
"That may be pushing it" I laughed shaking my head

(20th November 2009)
Now inside the tattoo parlor I felt nervous this is my first tattoo zoe reassured me that it isn't sore this would be her third tattoo she's got Amy's name on her wrist and Amy's date of birth in roman numerals I always wanted Rhiannon's name on my body somewhere

"What can I do for you ladies" a tattooist asked "We're here to get matching tattoos" zoe replied the tattooists asked us to follow him and he sat us on a chair we told him we wanted the tattoos on our left forearm he started with zoe since I was too scared to go first

I saw how zoe never made a discomforting look on her face she was relaxed I wondered how it didn't bother her once the man was finished zoe told him that she loved it and now it's my turn

I sat nervously on the chair my leg started to bounce "You know I'd you don't want to do it you don't have to" zoe informed I shook my head "No this we agreed to this and I stick to my word" I said telling the tattooists to go ahead

He started to tattoo my forearm at was a bit uncomfortable it wasn't that sore at first within 10 minutes he was done I loved it I decided then to get my daughters name on my wrist I asked the tattooists if he could possibly do that
"You sure miss thats a pretty sore place to get it" he stated I shrugged it off
"Yeah I'm sure" I said the man drew a stencil of Rhiannon's name placing it on my wrist and started tattooing

And boy let me tell you that was painful  but the end result was well worth the pain I observed my tattoos in awe loving the ink permanently on my skin

We paid the man and exited the shop making our way to the hotel to find the boys and the kids in the amusement area playing on the arcade machines laughing and joking one of the camera men for a little project the boys were doing the view from ... all having a great time

Sometimes I wish I can relive some memories and this is one of them the people I love most all happy and having fun rhiannon sitting on her dad's lap on the car racing game matt and nick on the dance game amy and Jamie trying to win a Teddy on the Teddy picker I couldn't be more happy

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now