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     Simon and Jordan's apartment was small, so while Maia, Jordan, and Isabelle searched the inside of the apartment, Adrian searched the outside hallway as well as the small fire escape. There was nothing, no notes or odd blood stains or even the faintest hint of demonic presences. Adrian sighed and jumped down from the fire escape, circling the building until he could enter it from the front. He could've gone back through the apartment window, but Jordan and Maia were uncomfortable to be around, and Alec had been left to guard the stairs. Adrian met him there, and judging from Alec's grim expression, he hadn't seen or heard anything, either. Adrian wished Magnus was there to help, but he'd been called back to the Institute at the last minute. Camille Belcourt had escaped somehow, and he was called to track her. Oliver had ended up going with him, saying he would just get in the way, since he didn't know Simon all that well.

"I don't think we're going to find anything here," Alec confessed, once Adrian had settled against the wall beside him, their arms brushing. They were still wearing their suits, but they had stopped by the nearest church on the way to the apartment to stack up on weapons. A bow and a quiver of arrows were attached to Alec's back, but he also had a short sword. Adrian had one as well, and two daggers that paired well with one another. He took one out to twirl around his fingers as Alec continued. "I have a weird feeling. Like something is really, really wrong." Adrian glanced over just in time to see Alec rub a hand over where his parabatai rune resided. Adrian stopped twirling his dagger.

"Is it Jace?" Adrian asked, straightening in concern. "Is he hurt?"

"No," Alec said, frown deepening. "Not hurt, I don't think. He just feels...distant. Like he's a country away." Alec sighed and dropped his hand, then tilted his head toward the stairs. "Come on. I don't think guarding the stairs is necessary if Simon isn't even here. Let's see if they found anything." Adrian nodded, then motioned for Alec to lead the way. The apartment was only on the second floor, the first door on the right, and it was still wide open when they entered. Alec entered with a scowl, and Adrian bit back a smile. A part of him truly loved when Alec got grumpy.

"Have you found anything?" Alec demanded. Jordan, Maia, and Isabelle were all standing around in the middle of the small living room. Isabelle was holding a small white card in her hand. "I've been standing down there for thirty minutes, and nothing even remotely threatening has come by. Unless you count the NYU student who threw up on the front steps." Adrian wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Someone threw up on the front steps?" he asked, and then he checked his shoes. Thankfully, he hadn't stepped in anything. No one acknowledged his question, not that he expected them to, and he straightened out just to see Alec reading the business card. Adrian peered at it over his shoulder. Satrina Kendall. Band Promoter. Adrian frowned, the name reminding him of something, nudging something at the back of his mind.

"Does anything strike you as odd?" Isabelle asked.

"You mean besides the fact that no band promoter could possibly be interested in Lewis's sucky band?" Alec asked, just because he couldn't help himself, and then he frowned at the card. "Satrina?" Adrian glanced at him. It seemed he recognized the name.

"Does that meaning something to you?" Maia asked. Adrian looked at her and saw that her eyes were rimmed red. He would find time to check on her later, after they figured out where Simon was and if he was alright.

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