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     "Do I have to wear a—" Alec started to complain, only to stop with a grin when Adrian ducked his head down and kissed the hollow at his throat. Now that he was silent, Adrian went back to fixing the tie around Alec's throat. Adrian had practically had to manhandle Alec into a suit and tie for Luke and Jocelyn's engagement party at the Ironworks. Alec was fidgeting the entire time, grimacing at Adrian as Adrian threw him one piece of the suit at a time and told him to put it on. It was a miracle, really, that Adrian had gotten the tie around his neck. Alec huffed a huge sigh, a sure sign that Adrian was taking too long, so Adrian tugged on the tie and brought Alec with it, kissing him on the mouth this time. It was more to silence Alec than anything else, but Alec grasped the lapels of Adrian's own suit jacket and tugged him closer, deepening the kiss before Adrian could pull away. Adrian's laugh was muffled, and he pulled away by planting his hands on Alec's shoulders.

"Don't try to distract me," Adrian said, amused as he reached up to chuck Alec's chin up. "And yes, you do have to wear a suit. It's Luke and Jocelyn. We have to look nice." Alec was wearing a simple black suit, and Adrian was wearing a gray one that he'd borrowed from Magnus. Both of them were wearing golden cufflinks in honor of Luke and Jocelyn's wedding. Adrian adjusted Alec's tie one more time, then patted it flat to his chest and stepped back. Or he tried to. Alec was wrapping his arms around Adrian's waist before he could, and he tugged Adrian closer before he could even take a step. Adrian leaned against him and pressed a kiss against the corner of his mouth. "You really don't want to go to this, do you? Alec, it's just a party."

"But I want to be with you," Alec pointed out, tugging Adrian closer and ducking his head down to nuzzle his neck. Adrian pressed his hands against Alec's shoulders again. Both of them had hints of gold in honor of Shadowhunter weddings. Though Luke and Jocelyn weren't Shadowhunters anymore, gold would always be the color of weddings for Adrian and Alec. Alec's tie was gold, and Adrian's shirt was made of silk and a golden color under his jacket, his own tie black. Adrian let himself enjoy the nuzzling for just a short moment, and then he was pushing Alec back again and reaching up to fix his hair.

"I am literally your date to this thing," Adrian pointed out, amused. Alec squeezed Adrian's hips, then sighed heavily—and rather dramatically, if Adrian was being honest—as he started fiddling with the lapels of Adrian's jacket. "Are you done being dramatic, baby? Can we go?" Alec blushed slightly at the pet name, averting his gaze as he mumbled an affirmative, so different from the confident way Alec had kissed him earlier. Adrian smiled, leaned forward to kiss Alec softly, then patted his shoulders. "Come on. We're riding with Izzy, and she said she'd call a taxi around..." Adrian turned on his heel to check the clock on his bedside table. "...well, now. Let's go." Alec sighed and headed for the door—he'd already tucked various daggers and his stele onto his clothes—so Adrian went to his bed. He tucked his stele in his belt, then grabbed his foldable staff Luke had gifted him and tucked it into the inside of his jacket.

He caught up with Alec on the stairs and laced their fingers together, swinging their arms between them playfully. They passed Church at the foot of the stairs, and Adrian halted to bend and scratch the silver, grumpy cat behind his ears. Church purred, got up to stretch and rub against Adrian's leg, then he darted off down the hall, narrowly missing Isabelle's high-heeled sandals as he went. Isabelle scowled after the cat, then turned and brightened when she saw them. She was wearing a floor length, vivid red dress, a slit up the side to reveal an expanse of leg. Her long hair was pulled up, and gold jewelry hung from her ears and surrounded her neck. Her whip was laced around her right arm, and she had Marked herself wherever the dress showcased her skin, using the Marks as decoration more than enhancements. Her parabatai rune was on full display on her collarbone. His own hand went up to his shirt collar, wanting to show off his own parabatai rune on his collarbone as well.

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