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     "Why couldn't I stay with Alec again?" Adrian asked nearly an hour later. He was slouched in a plush chair in Maryse Lightwood's office, feet propped up on the edge of her desk. His elbow was resting on the arm of the chair, his chin propped up in his palm. Across from him, Maryse was shifting through paperwork on her desk, which was a mess of papers and envelopes and saved fire messages. The message Adrian had sent was abandoned on the corner, no doubt where Maryse had dropped it as she had reported the Shadowhunter body. Alec was left to secure the crime scene with a few other Shadowhunters who had responded to the call, but Adrian had been called back to the Institute. Maryse had made it clear she wasn't asking, and considering there had literally been a dead body in a dumpster, Adrian hadn't tried disobeying her order.

"Because you are a minor," Maryse reminded, though not unkindly. She even sent him a warm glance up from the papers in her hands, or as warm as it could be, considering the obvious stress she was under. The Clave would come down on her harder and harder with each body found, and Adrian didn't envy her that. He wasn't sure how any of them did it, the adults in charge of Institutes. So much work to do, so many people they were responsible for, all the while the Clave was breathing down their necks. Adrian could never do it. "You're not a legal adult in the eyes of the Clave, Adrian. I cannot legally allow you to be at a crime scene for a murdered Shadowhunter. It's bad enough you and Alec were there but didn't find the body first; the Clave will think you two were on an unscheduled patrol and think you both irresponsible."

"But we weren't on patrol," Adrian sputtered out, shocked enough that he straightened in his chair. His booted feet fell to the carpeted floor, and his hands pushed against the arms of the chair, fingers digging into the plush fabric. He hadn't even considered how it would've looked to the Clave. Maryse Lightwood's son and her ward in Chinatown where the body was found, yet completely unaware of the body until the Downworlders familiar with the area brought it to their attention. He was even more horrified to realize that he and Alec had been too busy making out to realize a dead body was nearby. Blood rushed to his cheeks. "Maryse, we weren't—we weren't on an unscheduled patrol, we weren't even looking for anything, we were just...out. On a date." Maryse stared at him for a moment, then slowly lowered the papers in her hands.

"That doesn't leave this study, do you hear me?" she said sternly, surprising Adrian so much that he stiffened in his seat. Her expression immediately softened when his face hardened. "I don't say that because you two are—" She stopped, pressing her lips together. Still unable to say it out loud, even after all this time, even after repeatedly assuring them both that she was fine with it. Fine with them. Adrian swallowed, a small ache forming in his chest. Maryse moved on quickly, and Adrian held in a sigh. "I only meant that, if it were to get out that you two were on a date in werewolf territory, people would automatically assume your romantic lives take precedence over your duties. So, here's the story: You two were on an unscheduled patrol, and you simply arrived late. We do not need the Clave looking more closely on us than they need to. Especially when you talk about seeing your very exiled family out in the open where anyone can hear." Adrian's eyes widened in shock.

"How did you know about that?" he asked. He was positive they had never discussed Alice Rosewell outside of private bedrooms.

"I'm a mother. I know everything." Maryse studied him closely, face unreadable. She let out a small sigh. "I don't approve of you seeing them. I think it's very irresponsible of you, considering it could have dire consequences. It would break Alec's heart if you were to have your Marks stripped just because you can't follow the Law, and that's the harshest punishment for those who visit their exiled families. The Clave would see it as you choosing mundanes over us." Adrian opened his mouth to defend himself, but the words died in his throat when Maryse raised a hand to silence him. "But...I will not stop you. I don't think you would ever forgive me if I did. Just, please, Adrian, be careful." Her voice lowered, gentled. "It would break my heart, too, if you left us." Adrian's chest tightened, and he released a small, controlled breath.

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