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     Adrian didn't know how long he and his friends stayed at Alice and Adam's house. Long enough for dessert to be brought out, peach cobbler with homemade vanilla ice cream. Long enough for Abigail to grow tired of Isabelle's whip and come running up to Adrian again, demanding to know what his main weapon was. There had been mostly silence after that as Michael, Adam, and Alice all listened to Adrian describe his staff, which he'd left at home, much to Abigail's disappointment. And then long enough for Adrian to learn things about them. He learned that Alice worked from home, posting recipes online for commission. Adam worked as a history teacher at the local high school, and Michael was a sophomore at that same school, as well as the quarterback on the football team. Abigail, in comparison, was in seventh grade and in gymnastics. It didn't surprise Adrian at all that his siblings were both athletic; it was in their blood.

Simon was just being forced to show his fangs to Abigail, who looked absolutely delighted, when there was a slight puffing sound above them. They all looked up just in time to see a bit of fire in the air. The fire disappeared, but a piece of paper floated down in the remaining smoke. Adrian immediately plucked it from the air and unfolded the fire message, reading over it quickly. Dimly, he was aware of Abigail wanting to know what happened and if it was magic, and Michael wondering how it was possible. Alice calmly explained to them what a fire message was, while Adrian sighed and leaned over to look at Jace and Clary.

"Did you two forget," he said slowly, slightly annoyed, "that Clary was supposed to have an assessment tonight to document her training progress?" Clary and Jace's eyes both widened, but Clary then started looking irritated. She whipped her head around to glare at Jace, who was the one primarily responsible for her training, and glared until he shifted uncomfortably and rubbed at the back of his head, ruffling his golden hair.

"I...might have forgotten..." Jace said slowly, and Clary's eyes widened. Adrian rolled his eyes as he passed Clary the note, proof that she had indeed received the message. Isabelle and Simon laughed quietly together, their heads tilting close to each other's, while Alec shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. It wasn't normal for Jace to forget about something regarding training, especially assessments, but stranger things had happened, so Adrian thought nothing of it.

"Jace!" Clary said, frustrated, while Adrian shot his parents an apologetic look. Even though it was getting late anyway, he felt like he was leaving far too soon. He had nearly eighteen years to catch up on with them. A few hours didn't seem like enough. Alice and Adam seemed to understand though, because they both smiled.

"Let me pack you something to take home," Alice said firmly, making it very clear that Adrian wasn't allowed to leave until there was a takeout container in his hands. She rose swiftly, gathered the peach cobbler sitting on the center of the table with a cloth thrown over it, and disappeared through back sliding doors into her home. Meanwhile, Adam was rising as well. Adrian stiffened on instinct, though he didn't know why, but much to his relief, Adam didn't come to hug him goodbye. Adrian didn't think he was quite ready for that. Instead, he placed a gentle hand on Adrian's shoulder, squeezed slightly, and then passed him to get to Abigail.

"Abby, come on, time for homework," Adam said, ruffling her messy hair even more. She groaned and tilted her head back to give him a wide-eyed, innocent look. It didn't work, and she ended up being herded inside by Adam, complaining the entire way. Adrian watched them a moment, debating whether he should follow them all inside and say something, but he ultimately decided against it. That seemed like such a huge leap as far as boundaries, and Adrian was still taking baby steps. Simply waiting for his mother to come back would have to do.

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