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It was a peaceful day at the Stonehill University. Suga was the guy in the garden surrounded by flowers and trees, sitting on bench under a tree. He loved sitting there for it was peaceful and quiet. Away from the students and noises that cause him headache every day. The garden was his getaway.

He was trying to entertain himself by reading some books while listening to music. Suga was a music lover after all.

He's reading some poems about love and sure he could understand the words that composed a poem, but the meaning of love itself is hard for him to understand. As a matter of fact, Suga hasn't been in love for a long time. He began to think that love is unnecessary, after a girl she confessed his feelings to turned him down. The negative and irritating emotions he felt after that made him think that he didn't need love. Therefore, he's never been in a relationship.

He shut the book of poems close and grabbed something else to read from the bunch of books beside him that he borrowed from the library.

He opened a novel that isn't much related with love and decided to read it silently.

He closed his eyes as the wind blows, feeling the wind gently touching his white fair skin. His hair helplessly danced with the wind.

He removed the earpiece plugged in his ears and listened to the whisper of the wind.

His lips curved into a half smile as he took a deep breath.

He wished that this moment would last longer. He wished that the silence and peacefulness could last longer.

But then...

"Mr. President! Mr. Presideeeeeent!!!!! Have you heard the news?!?" Someone shrieked as he entered the garden.

Suga narrowed his eyebrows and erased the smile on his face abruptly. His blood boiled in an instant for he was shocked by the sudden disturbance made by his secretary, Roy.

Suga was the president of the student council and Roy was his secretary. Roy is a geek loser guy in a body of a hot flower boy.

People say that Roy's image would rather be a bad boy than a geek. Because being a bad boy suits his physical appearance. However, Roy chose to be a geek whatever people say.

He is Suga's secretary/bestfriend but only in school. Roy can't go out from their house unless he goes to school. Because right, he has strick parents. So he can't meet Suga somewhere else aside from school.

"What?!" Suga asked him coldly.

Roy recoiled when he saw the piercing glare Suga was giving him.

Suga shut his book and listened to Roy.

Roy lowered down his head in fear.

"Umm... the news? H-have you heard?" Roy said silently trying to behave.

Although Roy knew what kind of attitude Suga has, he still can't stop himself from falling back and to be afraid of him whenever he throws a fit. Suga's eyes when he's angry flinches him and makes him stutter. Anyhow, Suga being cold as ice and meam to Roy isn't a new thing.

And Roy being scared of Suga is also not a new thing anymore. He was born to fear Suga.

Suga tried to calm himself down before he speaks. He doesn't like Roy getting scared of him but he couldn't help beinh cold and mean because it was his personality after all.

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