Chapter 9

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Staring at each other I can feel the heat rising between us. We had been so wrapped up in learning and knowing each other that sex was the last thing on our minds but today something changed. The surprise he had for me really set the tone. Every since I walked in seeing his face
I seemed more turned on by everything Rah did. All of his touches seemed to be more gentle. His kisses more sensual. His stares more seductive.

Rah had leaned off of the bedroom door frame and began to walk towards be slowly while I watched his every move. Never breaking eye contact I was becoming more and more aroused the closer he got to me. I could feel my juices creating a waterfall in between my legs.

"Baby I can smell you and I'm trying really hard not to say fuck taking my time with you and bending you the fuck over" Rah said still walking to me in a low raspy voice.

"I'm sorry" was all that I can say because the moment it left my mouth he was right in front of me.

Being that any time he was near I had to touch him, I immediately lifted my hand to his chest only for it to be smacked away.

"Your not allowed to touch me until I say so. Do you understand me baby girl?"

I nodded my head.

"What I tell you about your words baby. I'm not going to touch you until I hear words"

"Yes Bubba I understand"

Never did I imagine that I would be a submissive person but again Rah was unlocking and bringing things out that I never knew was there.

"Good girl. Get up on the bed for me baby and lay on your stomach" I didn't have anything on because I had just got out the shower.

Doing what he said I turned to walk to the bed but he smacked my ass telling me to walk slow because he wanted to look at me.

Finally making it to the bed I laid on my stomach like he asked hearing him moving around and then I felt something cold hit my back making me flinch.

"Its just oil" he said as I relaxed feeling his hands start to rub from them middle of my back up to my shoulders and back down.

It felt so good the way he was touching me it was like he knew all the right places to apply pressure.

I let out a low moan once he got right above my ass and rubbed down to my ass cheeks kneading the right one and then doing the same with the left.

Once he was done with that he spread my ass cheeks slowly running his finger from the top of my crack down stopping and adding a lil pressure to my second hole, It was a different feeling for me, something I hadn't felt before. I was a lil excited but worried at the same time. He continuing his way down to my pussy.

At this point I was a wet mess just from him touching me with his hands. Before I could think any further he was separating my pussy lips and finally reaching my pearl where he took it between his 2 fingers pinching it a few times. That alone sent a shock up mine spine and I had to bite my lip to stop from moaning to loud.

Lifting me up by my waist to put me on all fours he had my ass in the air and my legs spread then he backed away removing his hands from me.

"Bubba, baby please touch me"

"Patience baby girl I'm gonna take care of you tonight"

I shut my mouth. He left me in that position a few more minutes and I could feel his stare behind me.

Bending down coming face to face with the place I had not giving to any one in almost a year, a place that now belonged to him, a place that I'm giving him permission to do as he please.

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