Chapter 4

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Finally making it to Friday and to say I am exhausted is an understatement. I had been doing so much running around for both businesses. Having lunch with my siblings and getting things in order for spring break. A bitch was tired.

I decided to leave the dance studio early and make a quick stop to the center before going home to get some rest.

Grabbing something to eat and a smoothie, I finally reach my house sitting there because I'm too tired to move. I figured I would just go ahead and eat my food before it got cold.

30 mins later I'm locking my car and going in my house after parking in my garage which I rarely do. But I want everyone to think I'm not home since they have a tendency of just popping up.

Opening my door my babies are already there waiting to get some of my loving which I gladly give. "Hey babies, y'all miss mama? Y'all acting like I've been gone all day it's only been a few hours" asking like they was really gonna talk back. Lol!

"Come on so y'all can go outside and mama can lay down" they followed behind me to the backyard going into the section I have specifically for them to use the bathroom. Easy clean up plus I had them trained really good since they were pups.

Sitting out back and finishing my smoothie I decided to text Mani about tomorrow.

Mocha Latte 🫶🏽🤞🏽🍫

Me: Ummmm ma'am 🔊🔊

Mocha Latte 🫶🏽🤞🏽🍫: Yeesssss lol. What you want I thought you was going home to sleep.

Me: Why you being weird to me😂😂😂😂😂
Me: How we gonna do tomorrow? We riding separately or together? And what time you trying to go?

Mocha Latte 🫶🏽🤞🏽🍫: LMAO 😂 ok stupid. All these damn questions🙄 but we can ride together I will come pick you up and I'll drive. We can head that way around 1. You cool with that?

Me: I needed to get it all out at 1 time. Yea that's cool though I did tell some of my students about it and they will be there so that should be fun.

Mocha Latte🫶🏽🤞🏽🍫: Ok well I'm bout to go see a man about dog 😝 hit me when you wake up.

Me:Ewww you disgust me I didn't want to know all that.

Mocha Latte🫶🏽🤞🏽🍫: Well bitch if you had someone fucking your back your neck and your walk up you would be talking the same way.

Me: You are now blocked until tomorrow when your mouth is less reckless. You need to go pray.

Mocha Latte🫶🏽🤞🏽🍫:🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 awww I love you too Mi Amour

Me: I love you Amour Dior.

One thing about Mani she didn't care who she was talking to or who was around her mouth was crazy and she was never ashamed of her sexual acts. Gotta love her though.

Calling the dogs back in I throw my trash away and head upstairs to my room to take a shower.

Calling the dogs back in I throw my trash away and head upstairs to my room to take a shower

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