(extra) cooking with Valkyrie

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Here some happy chapter for recovery pain from new short animation


"It's 38°"

Sirin looked at the thermometer in her hand, then looked again at the silver-haired girl lying weakly beside her.

"You better rest, I will take care of you, Bronya" sirin says as she stands and walks to the door.

"Sorry that Bronya troubles you, sirin" she says weakly.

"It's okay, just rest, I'm going to make a call to inform the principal" Sirin says as she walks out of the room.

"Yes" Bronya closed her eyes.

• • • •

"Yes principal, I know, she was literally alright this morning and she even had her breakfast already. but then when I walk out of my room after studying, I see her lying down unconscious in front of her room" Sirin explained worriedly.

"Is that so…, is mei not there?" Theresa asks her through the phone.

"Unfortunately, she go with kiana to do some errands outside and will return at dusk"

"How about Fuhua?" Theresa ask again.

"She got emergency call from HQ and just go like that"

"Uhh...I still have a lot of documents to take care of and Himeko is the same, we can't go home early " sirin heard Theresa whining.

"It's okay, principal, I can take care of her" sirin reassures her.

"Really? Will you be okay on your own?” Theresa asks worryingly because she has never seen sirin take care of anyone before.

"Yes principal, I will be okay, I will make lunch for Bronya. Bye~" and Sirin Hung up.

Now that's weird, Not only taking care of people, but Theresa has never seen sirin cook either. Now she's praying in her office hoping that Bronya will be fine, hoping that sirin's cooking skills aren't the same as Kiana.

"Hopefully there's no poisoning incident in the dorms" Theresa muttered, "Himeko, let's finish all our work quickly, Bronya has a fever and only sirin takes care of it"

• • • •

"Let's see what we have here" sirin checked the contents of the refrigerator trying to find the ingredients she could cook for at least one person.

"Hmm…, Potatoes, onions and...milk? Hmm... heavy cream?" Sirin muttered while inspecting all the ingredients. "What can I make of this? Hmm... Soup? Oh there's bread"

[Edited] (Sorry I forgot to put the image)

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[Edited] (Sorry I forgot to put the image)

She stands and brings all the ingredients to the table. She began prepare everything for cooking "let's make bread soup for bronya" she say and smile

"Peel the onions and potatoes and cut them into small dice" Her hands nimbly cut potatoes and onions, then she prepares the pot.

She put the chopped ingredients into the pot and turned on the stove.

"Add some cooking oil and fry for a minute" Sirin stirs it slowly. "When the potatoes potatoes start to look transparent, add the chicken stock and boil until the potatoes are cooked"

And now sirin prepares another pan, "melt 2g unsalted butter and then add 2 tablespoons and give them a quick stir" and when it starts to turn brown, she adds milk.

"Give them quick mix and turn off the stove immediately before it thickens"

Sirin put it in the potato pot and added heavy cream and stirred it up.

"Turn the stove on low heat and let it sit for around ten minutes. After that, turn off the stove and let it cool down. Its becomes thicker as it cools"

"And now, the bread"

Sirin cut off the top of the bread, then took the inside out. "Put the potatoes soup in the bread bowl, and bring it to Bronya"

• • • •

"Bronya?" Sirin came in with a tray of food and a glass of warm milk.

Bronya turned to sirin and sirin walked over to her bed, "here, it's already lunchtime and you need to fill your stomach to get well" she says and hands the food tray.

"This is.., bowl made of bread?" Bronya gives sirin question a look.

"Uh.., I was trying to be creative and came up with that, sorry if you don't like it" sirin said nervously.

Bronya shook his head and gave sirin look "no, it looks cute, Bronya like it"

"Is that so.., well get well soon, I still have to clean up the kitchen so I'll leave you alone here. just call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay" Bronya Says and starts digging her food and Sirin leaves her.

"Its tasty"

• • • •

"Sirin! We're home!" Theresa exclaimed from the front door and went straight to the kitchen and found sirin cleaning the kitchen.

"Hm.., ah, welcome back principal" sirin said and smiled.

"Sirin, what did you cook?" Theresa ask her.

"Some kind of soup? Maybe" Answer sirin while averting her gaze.

"Kind of?"

Sirin just nodded and pointed the pot on the stove. Theresa approach it and look what inside.

"Its smells good, i want to have a taste"

"Here principal" Sirin handed her a bowl and a spoon, "Would you like to eat it with bread?" Sirin asked.

"Yes please" and sirin gave her bread that was already sliced.

Theresa take a scoop the soup into her mouth, "hmm~ its tasty, Sirin its tasty"

"Yeah yeah, I know, try to dip the bread"

And Theresa did it, "hm~ it's good, I don't know Sirin can cook" Theresa said between her full mouth.

"Swallow your food first" sirin says and give her napkins. "Sister Mei teaches me how to cook" she said again.

"He.., I really thought your cooking would be the same as Kiana's cooking"

"Please don't compare me to kiana cursed dish"

"I know i know, don't worry"

Sirin just looked at Theresa happily while eating. 'She looks like a child' sirin thinks and giggles at her though.

"Hm.., what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking"

"What is it?"

"Hm…, To make edible food you just have to know how to combine ingredients properly"

"So that the food can be eaten"


Bread soup video

Damn, ER wrap up really hit hard

I need more time to recover and write again so sorry

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