fighting style

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Here's the new chapter but i'm still depressed, just few more day we will say goodbye to elysia realm in the main story. And I can't accept that facts


Two days later…

Two days later…

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"good job"

Honkai carcasses were everywhere and Sirin sighed as she turned back into her human form.  Theresa called her into the control room and handed Sirin a towel and a bottle of water.

"Your control training ends here, next is combat training without using your Herrscher powers" sirin looked at Theresa in surprise, "why?"  she asked.

"You can't show that kind of fighting style in front of people, if other students fight normally then so will you"

"Hmm .., I understand" said Sirin while nodding.

"I remember some of Cecilia's movements during the fight, yes, I'll teach you those moves"

"Pfff.., Cough.., cough..." Sirin gushed and coughed her drink, "Out of all the people why her?" Sirin asked after the coughing stopped.

'never thought she will bring up topic about Cecilia'

"Cus she is a lance user, and the only weapon you can summon is lance, isn't it?"  Theresa said.

"Yeah.., you're right" Sirin just sighed as she thought about her schedule for the next 5 days.  'at least she didn't force me to use Herrscher's powers like yesterday'

• • • •

"You are…"

'shit, I forgot about her'

No one told her that Fuhua came back from a mission today, and Sirin forgot about her too because of that crazy combat training Theresa gave to her for the last few days.

Glad Mei came to help, "ah..Fuhua, she is a new transfer student and she will be living here with us" Mei explained.  Fuhua just nodded and smiled, "nice to meet you, I'm fuhua and I'm in charge of the class as a class monitor, hope we can get along" she says.

"I'm Sirin, please take care of me in the future" sirin says as she bow, after that, Fuhua just went to her room.

Sirin was filled with anxiety right now, 'she is Otto's right hand, if she gets suspicious of my being then it will attract Otto's attention.  Just a little bit suspicious…' sirin bit her lips.


Sirin snapped from her thoughts after Mei called her, "are you not feeling well? You look pale?"

"Ah.., I'm okay, I just need to rest for a bit" she says as she start Sprint to her room.  After She locks the door, she falls to her knees.

'breathe…,i need to breathe'

"Ugh…" she groans as her head becomes hurt, after a while she finally calms down.

'Why did I have a panic attack now?  Where this shit when I almost died yesterday?'

"I need to calm down" she told herself.

'Why am I scared of something that didn't happen?'  she asked herself, 'what am I scared of?'

"Otto," she whispered quietly.

She doesn't know how much time has passed but Sirin stands again and walks out of her room back to where Mei was, now everyone was there including Fuhua herself.

"Have you feeling well, Sirin?"  Mei asks concern after remembering Sirin's pale face and everyone looks at her.

Sirin smiled like nothing happened, "i am alright sister" she said.

"Are you sure?"  Mei asks again, "you become like that after met Fuhua" she says.  Now Fuhua intensely looks at her too.

"Uh.., actually i..." sirin lowered her head avoiding Fuhua's gaze, "how should i say it?"  She tightens her grip.

Everyone is silent waiting for her answer.

", I fell in love with Fuhua at first sight" Sirin said as her face became red.




'wow.., its work more than I thought'

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