Nick's tragic backstory

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"Hopps Wilde, anything to report"

the ZPD were up on the sky tram, the bad guys were in the car, covered in blankets to dry themselves from the rain but mr. Manchas was gone.

"we thought this was just a missing mammal case, but it's way bigger. Our first lead was Mr. Otterton but he did not just disappear. I believe he, and this jaguar, they... they went savage, sir.

"Savage? But Animals don't "go savage anymore"

"I thought so too" Judy says.

Then the chief sees the bad guys we're being questioning by a chief hippo.

"I sent you to find the missing mammals now I got another missing mammal, and you brought the bad guys into this mess what were you thinking"

Wolf then sees Nick was in Trouble and after he saved him, wolf goes to help him.

"Well" Nick shudders, " actually sir-"

"We we're just assisting them" wolf interrupted.

Nick smiles when he sees his friend was helping him.

"Mr. Wolf, what are you doing here"

"Well I could ask myself the same question" he glanced at Nick and he smiles nervously.

"But you know us, we're helpers, we help people"

Then webs crawled on his shoulders, "and a Jaguar did went savage look"

She pulls out her phone and shows bogo the video of manchas attacking wolf and Nick.

"Whoa, well i better go sent an amber alert to keep a watch out for a savage Jaguar" bogo says.

"That won't be necessary chief, we'll be continuing this case with officer hopps and Wilde and you know you should give them a break, they got close to solving a case you guys haven't cracked in two weeks?"

Chief Bogo looks slightly ashamed along with the others.

"Yeah, Here's the thing, chief, they are just close enough to finding your Mr. Otterton, and that is exactly what we're gonna do. So, if you'll excuse us, we have a very big lead to follow, and a case to crack, come on Nick"

After another gondola pulls up, but Nick walks to the sky tram.

"Hey thanks man" Nick said.

"Yeah...well-Don't mentioned it" wolf grunts.

He opens the door for his friends then Nick smirks.

"So since I saved you, those that make us even"

"Don't even try Wilde, just be grateful that we decided we're still helping with this is case"

He enters the gondola, shuts the door  and departs away from Nick.

Nick looks down even more guilty then before, which made judy had enough, she wanted to know the truth.

When another gondola arrived, they entered and it departs.

Chief Bogo and the ZPD watch them and leave. Judy sees Nick sulking, what the bad guys had done for them, . She looks at Nick.

"Nick us there something you need to tell me, what's your connection with the bad guys, how do you know that why you been upset recently you knew they lived here did you"

"Ok Judy you got me, you deserve to know the truth" he sighed.

"Before I became a conman, I no one's the bad guys"

This shocks judy as she gaped.

"But they weren't just a team, they were my friends, do you remember that story I told you about me joining the Junior Ranger Scouts"

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