Chapter SEVEN The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

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Wordcount: 4928

When you FINALLY REACHED Steve you saw two bate things biting or eating his stomach and on has its tail around his neck strangling him. You saw a Ora on the quickly get it and hit one of bates away that was trying to eat your brother. "hey there." You said to your brother out of breath. And then you went for the other one. Nancy quickly got the other Ora, Robin and her went over to the bate that was strangling Steve. "Quick! Hold it, Robin!" Nancy told her. " I got it." Robin said stepping on their bates tail and Nancy beat the shit out of it with her oar. Eddie also found and oar and looked around for more bates. When suddenly you saw on coming from behind him. "Eddie duck!" You yelled at him. He quickly did as he told and duck down. You then start running at him and used him as a step to knock one of those bates out the sky. "What was that for?!" Eddie yelled that when he saw the bate fall down onto the round but not dead jet. "Oh." He said. "Yeah oh, now help me kill this fucker." You said running over to the bat and started beating the shit out of is. Eddie then came running after you and stabbed the bate into the face onto the face onto the floor and killed it. "Good job." You said ruffling up his hair, but you suddenly got pushed forward and you felt a bight in your neck. "AHH!" You yelled out loud. "Oh God, try to hold still." Eddie said next to you with his oar risen. "Do something please." You yelled but suddenly felt the weight on your shoulders being ripped off. "AHH!" You yelled falling to your side but you where caught again by Eddie. "You okay?" He asked worryingly. "Yeah thanks." You said. You then look over to the others and saw you brother rip a beat in half. "Oh my God, Steve!" You said running over to your brother and hugged him so tight you never wanted to let him go. He also hugged you back tightly. "Steve!" You head Nancy's voice from behind you, so you let go of your brother and went back to Eddie. "Jesus Christ. Jesus H. Christ!" Eddie yelled. "Hey Eddie it' s okay calm down okay." You said trying to calm him down. "Are you okay?" You hear Nance again. "Well, they only tool about a pound of flesh. But other than that, yeah, never better." Steve answered. "Uh, do you guys think these bats have. like, rabies?" Robin asked us while looking at one of their dead bats on the have. like, rabies?" Robin asked us while looking at one of their dead bats on the And I think we should get you to a doctor like really soon because once the symptoms set in, it' s too late. You ' re already like dead." Robin said.

We all didn't say anything for good 3 seconds until we heard the screeching in the sky. We all looked over to see 6 bats land around the gate as we all got our oars back and stud ready to fight. "all right. There's not that many. We can take them." Steve said. But then we hear more screeching from a far. We all look back at the sky to see thousands of those bats coming this way. "You were saying?" You said to your brother. "The woods. Come on." Nancy suddenly said running to the woods. Steve and Robin ran after her. "Come on." You said to Eddie quickly taking his hand and you both started to run after them.

After about 5-10 minutes of running we found skull rock to hide under and waited until the bats flew by. "Oh... Okay That was close." Robin said. "Yeah." You said and let go of Eddie's hand because it started to hurt. "To close." Eddie added. Steve started to walk but suddenly fell and lead himself agents the rock next to him. "Oh, sh... shit." He said. "Steve? Jesus." Nancy said him and walked over to him. "I'm fine. I'm fine." Steve said holding his stomach. "No, no, no. You're not. You ' re losing blood. Robin then went over to Nancy and Steve to look if everything is okay. "Come on, sit. All right?" Nancy asked helping Steve to sit down. When Steve landed on the floor he let out a light gasp of pain out witch caught your attention, you turned around and looked at your brother being helped by Nancy. You suddenly felt the back of your neck hurting really bad. You fell to the floor holding your neck trying not to cry from the pain. "Hey Y/N. What's wrong?" Eddie asked you sitting on the floor next to you. "M-My neck. It hurts s-so bad." You said a bit louder. "hey let me see." Eddie said, you then moved your hair out of the way. "Oh god. Hey wheeler how did you stop the bleeding?" Eddie asked Nancy and you got worried but then you felt something going down the side of you neck. You put your hand to is and looked at your hand to see a lot of blood. "I wrapped something around it tight. Why what's wrong with Y/N?" Nancy asked him. "She also got bitten." Eddie answered. "What is she okay? He Y/N are you okay?" You hear your brother ask. "I could be better." You answered him. "Eddie do you have something that would fit around Y/N's neck, like a cloth or something?" Robin asked him. "Not a cloth but a bandana." Eddie answered. "That would hopefully work for now." Nancy answer. "Hey Y/N can you sit up please so I can but this around your neck?" Eddie asked you. You sat up and held your hair up so Eddie could put the cloth around your neck. "This will hurt for a few seconds." He said and you just nodded and closed your eyes when you felt the bandana warp around your neck, but when it came to the cut it hurt like hell for 10 seconds. "You're okay?" Eddie asked kneeling down in front of you. "Yeah for now thanks." You said smiling at him. He then got up and held out his hand to help you up, witch you kindly took. Eddie suddenly started to climb up some rock to look into the distends. "So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?" Eddie asked. "Pretty muck yeah." you answered. "Wait, watch out for the vines. It' s all a hive mind." Nancy said now standing next to you. "It' s all a what?" Eddie asked. "All the creepy crawlers around here, around here, dude. They ' re, like, one or something. You step on a vine, you ' re stepping on a bat, you ' re stepping in Vecna." Steve said leaning on a rock. "Shit." Eddie said walking down the rock slowly, you went over to him and help him down. "But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asked. "As far as I understand it, yeah." Nancy answered. "So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that guarding the gate." Robin said. "I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin. But guns, yeah, sure." Steve answered. "Well, we don 't have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom." Nancy said. "You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" Eddie asked her. "Full of surprises, isn't she?" Robin said. "A Russian Makarov and a revolver." Nancy said. "Yeah you almost shot me with that one." Steve said moving closer to her. "And you almost deserved it." She said back. Suddenly there was a jacket throw at Steve, you looked to your said and saw Eddie only in his Hellfire shirt on and started to fell bad that you still hade his leather jacket on. "For your modesty, dude." Eddie said. "Hey is it okay if we stop at our house on the way?" You asked your brother. "Why?" Steve asked back. "You know Katanas I got like a few years ago and dad wanted me to throw them away?" You said. "Yeah what about them?" Steve asked. "Let' s just say they are still in my room." You said smiling at your brother. "You kept them?" He asked. "Yes I did they cost way to much to just throw away." You said back. "So can we stop by our house, I can go alone if not." You said. "No you're not going alone." He said. "Then who is going to come with me?" You asked into the group but you just see the rest looking at you shook. " what?" You asked them. "Fist Nancy has guns in her room and now you have swords?" Eddie asked from behind you. Yeah well technically katanas." You said back. "But they are swords." He said back. "Yeah." you said. "So who is coming with me?" You asked again. "I could go with you." Eddie said now stand next to you again. "Okay cool thanks." You said back. All of a sudden the ground started to shaking. You suddenly fell into Eddie's arms witch made him fall to the ground, you quickly turned around so you ware facing Eddie and just held him so tight that you life was depending on it. You felt some strong arms holding onto you to make you fell a bit safer but it didn't work because the ground was still shacking. After a few seconds it stopped but we all stud still. You then started to let go of Eddie and looked up at him he was also looking at you. You quickly gave him a quick smile before getting up and helping him up as well. "So guns and swords sound good to me." Eddie said to witch everyone agreed on. Steve then started to walk away with Nancy and Robin following him. Eddie then took you hand and started to walk after them.

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