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"He's not Wakandan. He's one of ours."

"What?!" Shuri questions.

"Try to get a hold of T'Challa!" Okoye commands and then ends the call between her and Shuri. 

She immediety starts messing with her beads to try and call her brother but nothing seems to be working. 

"Where is T'Challa?" I hear her whisper to herself. She runs to her computer and taps a lot of buttons and when she's finished, she presses her beads again. "AHA!" She yells victoriously. A holographic picture of T'Challa shows itself over her palm. "Brother, you need to get here now!"

"What's happened?" He questions.

"Just get here quickly! I'll explain when you get here!" She says without another word to T'Challa, most likely leaving him incredibly confused.


"Maybe you should sit this one out." Okoye suggests to me.

"What? No, why?" I protest.

"You're injured, and you cold use some rest." To be honest I was extremely tired, physically and mentally, and my ribs felt excruciatingly painful- but I continued to argue.

"There is no discussion. This is an order." She says sternly. I hang my head low in defeat.

"Fine." I submit. She gives me a sincere smile and hands me a vile of black liquid. "What's this?"

"Shuri told me to give it to you. Said it would help your stomach or lungs or whatever it was."

"My ribs?"

"Yes!" She exclaims, "That's what it was... and also you're babysitting Ross."



Ross and I sit on opposites side of what was my room before I moved into my own apartment. My ribs don't hurt anymore but just a little sore thanks to Shuri's medicine. 

I'm on my old bed flipping through pages of my old journal that's basically filled with my whole life story that I wrote when I got bored and lonely for the last couple months. My room is just as I left it. The books, the posters, even the black burn mark on the wall from when Shuri gave me my Kimoyo beads. Ross is staring out the large window on the other side. Not a word has been spoken from either of us and a couple times I forgot he was even there.

"So how did you end up here?" He finally says, breaking the silence.

"Well, after escaping arrest in Berlin, and the Avengers breakup in Germany, and then the fight in Siberiaaa... Steve brought me here and here I have been." I said cautiously. I couldn't reveal too much and I wasn't going to tell him that my dad was here too.

"So is Steve Rogers here too?"

"No. I don't know where he is." He's in Syria with Nat and Sam.


"Don't know. He's probably with Steve." My dad is in Wakanda.


"I don't know either." Wanda is in Europe with Vision. "You're trying to get me to talk so you can arrest them." He doesn't respond, only stares out the window some more and I flip through more pages in my journal. I land on a page and read the first word, Will. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, shoot."

"My friend, Will... he fought on Tony's side in Germany." I pause, I haven't talked about him more than mentioning him when I told Shuri and Adrian about my life. "Where is he? Is he okay?"

"William Reeds? He's alright." He finally looks at me, his face is genuine and sympathetic. He knows Will means a lot to me and that he also betrayed me. "He's living at the Avengers compound with Tony Stark. Well, he's more like locked up there. We recongnized that he didn't have much of a choice with his actions because of HYDRA so Stark offered to take him and make sure he's not getting into much trouble. Stark said he owed you one."

"Tony said that?" I ask.

"Yup. Left a pretty uncharacteristic note for you but never sent it. Said he owed you for everything that happened and that you're welcome to stay with him. Of course that's only if you are granted a pardon from the President of the United States."

"Got it."

"But I think it's likely." I look up with a mixture of confusion and excitement.


"Stark isn't the only one that owes you."

"I think I owe you more. I mean you took a bullet for me."

"Yeah that was pretty nice of me." I laugh at that, "and I know I was just doing my job in Berlin but... I still feel bad."

"Feel bad? Agent Ross has feelings?"

"Haha." He says sarcastically, "Look, I'm trying to be nice here."

"Sorry. I'm good at scaling buildings and shooting bullseyes. Being nice isn't really my specialty."

"Well, we found something I'm better at than you." He says with a smug but sincere smile.

"Yeah but it's only one thing!" I argue with a grin.

"No, no. Have you ever played poker? I am the best!"

We've been in here for a couple hours, not enough to make me want to brage out of here, but close. Ross and I talk for a while. About me, him, the Avengers, and a little about what's going on in the council room right now. We guess that he's being questioned but something is suspicious.

"Who just shows up with the dead body of Klaue, aka the guy who's been a pain in the neck for Wakanda since 1992, and doesn't want something in return?" I ask. We're no longer on opposite sides of the room. I'm still sitting on the bed but on the end of it now with my legs hanging off the edge and Ross is sitting on a chair next to my old desk about fifteen feet away.

"It is very suspicious." Ross adds to the conversation.

"I wish we knew what was going on right now. But I have to babysit you."

"Is that what this is? Babysitting?"

"Who do you think is more trustowrthy here?"

"Let's see... the five year old assasin or the government agent?"


"Oh sorry, five and a half."

"Ok, first of all I'm sixteen. And second, you're an American government agent. It's risky for you just being here because how does T'Challa and the Elders know you won't go blabbing your mouth to your government friends about Wakanda's secrets?"

"Ok, that's fair."

Then, out of no where, Nakia barges in holding serveral blankets and throws one to each of us. I stand up confused.

"What's wrong?" Ross says.

"The King is dead." My heart sinks to the floor, "Come with me, unless you want to join him."

Guys I am so sorry for being so behind!!! There aren't many excuses that will make up for it but I've just been stressed with school and stoopid friend drama, bleh. But just like I've promised, before Christmas... Chapter 20!!! A lot of people have been asking for an update so I'm sorry I made you wait this long so thank you for being patient :)

I love you guys, genuinly. When I started writing this it was just for fun to take my mind off things. I never expected all this love from you guys! You are all so amazing and I hope you guys have an AMAZING Christmas and enjoy 2023!!! 

Piece out girl scouts!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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