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"But we're not." Will said, creating a distance from me.

"But we can be. We're only teenagers, we have the rest of our lives to be good for once." I frantically tried to explained in hopes of making Will understand that what we have been doing was wrong. All the training, experiments, and killing. It's all wrong.

"Scarlett I-" Will started to say but was cut off by the loud sounds of something crashing. I turned around, facing the staircase where the noise came from.

"Steve." I gasped, remembering that he followed the target there. I raced up the stairs, skipping every couple steps.

"Scarlett! No!" Will yelled, but I ignored him. I burst through a door, finding myself on the roof. I saw Steve next to a crashed helicopter. He slowly started to get up but was stopped when the target punched through the glass with his metal arm and wrapped his hand around Steve's throat.

"No!" I raced over to try and help while the helicopter quickly started to fall off the side of the building. I grabbed the rotor mast, hoping to stop the helicopter from falling, but I wasn't strong enough. All three of us fell off of the building and crashed into the water below.

I dodged falling debris as I tried swimming upwards. I gasped for air as I broke the surface of the water.

"Steve!" I called, "Steve!" Just as I was about to yell a third time, he dug out of the water, pulling Barnes up with him. We swam to solid ground, coughing up water as we flopped onto the concrete.

"We have to go." He reached his hand out to me to help me up and I cautiously took it. We walked against the side of the river but stopped when an old, blue car pulled up in front of us. Steve pushed me protectively behind him and the window rolled down, it was Sam.

"Get in." He ordered. Steve moved aside, letting me get in first.

Why are you going with them?


You'll be punished


Steve then put Barnes beside me and he got into the passenger seat himself. We drove for about fifteen minutes with none of us speaking a word while my mental argument continued. He stopped the car in front of an old looking warehouse building.

"We're here." Sam said, opening his door and jumping out. I did the same, pushing my loud thoughts away and walked up to the side of a building where the door was. I shook the handle.


I took a step back, took a deep breath, and kicked at the door hard. It swung open.

I looked back happily and saw both Steve and Sam standing side by side helping each other carry Barnes. Both of their faces looked shocked.

"What?"  I said, "...The shocked stares are getting annoying."

"No, it's just... Nevermind." Steve answered, pushing passed me and carried the unconscious Barnes to an open, dusty room. He set Barnes on a wooden box next to a rusty looking machine. He placed the metal arm on it and clamped the machine down.

"How long are we staying here?" I asked. It was freezing in here but I didn't want to admit it. Old habit, I guess. I was taught not to show any signs of weakness which included how cold I was.

"Not long." Steve answered looking out of the slight crack in between the door. Sam and I sat down. Him on a wooden box and me on the floor.

"So who are you really? I'm not working with you until I know you." Sam asked. I looked up, debating whether I should respond truthfully.

The Scarlett SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now