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Once we land, we rush to Shuri's lab with Ross on a Maglev stretcher, which is basically like a levitating table, with a brown blanket covering him up. We reach Shuri and she flips over the cover.

"Great!" She exclaims sarcastically, "Another broken white boy for us to fix. This is going to be fun." Ross is moved to a spot in her lab surrounded by lots of vibranium equipment and holografic data displaying around her as she works to heal him. 

"Will he be ok?" I ask quietly. My arms are wrapped around my stomach and my foot taps anxiously on the floor.

"He will live." Shuri reasures. I take a deep breath and a sigh of relief.

The security alarm on her kimoyo beads goes off. "W'Kabi is here." She tells T'Challa. He walks over to the ramp to meet up with W'Kabi and Nakia and I stare at each other nervously. We didn't bring in Klaue like T'Challa had promised to him we would do. They are good friends, but now I worry that friendship won't be as strong.

The four of us stay silent so we don't interupt their conversation. But also so we could eavesdrop. We all shared concered glances to one another as we listened.

"For thirty years your father was in power," W'Kabi spoke, "With you I thought it would be different. But it's more of the same." Then we heard his footsteps grow quieter and quieter. Okoye looked disappointed. W'Kabi is her lover and to hear him say that to his friend, to his king. She felt shame. 

"Shuri!" We heard him call, "I'm heading to the palace, I have some business to attend to."

"Ok, brother. Stay safe." Shuri yells back. She looks at me with concern. We know he doesn't have any meetings with the council or press so this "business" is most likely personal.

"I'll be leaving too I say." I desperatly want to get back to my apartment and just relax and not have to worry about Ross, or Klaue, or broken ribs. Just relax.

"Are you sure?" She responds.

"Yeah, I just need a break for one night. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Ok, you can take my hover bike."

"Yes!" I exclaim, "I love the hover bike!" Shuri lets out a small laugh and then continues to work on Ross' wound. I rush up the ramp and then make my way to the garage. There's a multitude of jets, jet packs, cars, and then the glorious hover bike. I put in the code to open the garage door on a pad on the wall. It smoothly glides open and I hop onto the bike and it immedietly turns on.

I start it up and then zoom off with the wind blowing cooly in my hair. I ride the bike up to my apartment complex. I feel a wave of relief that I am back home. I hop off the bike and take in my surroudnings.

There's an older woman sitting next to a cart with a sign that reads, "treats". There is a little girl braiding her friends hair and a group of teenage boys playing soccor. One of the boys spots me and he happy expression turns to worry. It's Adrian. 

I feel guilty saying that I completely forgot about him but it's true. I try hiding a little as I rush inside the building but I hear someone calling my name from behind me.

"Scarlett! Hold up! Wait!" I hear Adrain yelling. I bite my lip and sign. Turning around, I see him running towards me with a soccor ball tucked under his arm (football, if you're from Wakanda). He's wearing some loose, black basketball shorts, a purple t-shirt, and a red, woven bracelet on his wrist. He stops in front of me with an expression filled with a mixture of excitement and concern. "You're back." He says with heavy breath. He's a little sweaty after playing soccor with his friends and he's still trying to catch his breath. 

"Yyyeah." I say, drawing out the word, "Can we talk inside?"

"Yeah yeah yeah sure." He says happily, he turns to his friends who are impatiently waiting for him but Adrian just throws them the ball. "I'll be back guys!" He says and then we both walk up the stairs in silence. Adrian likes the elevator a lot better but I think taking the stairs is the better, safer option. And he never bugs me about taking the elevator. "So, you wanna explain all the cuts and bruises all over you?"

I take a deep breath before answering. "I'm not sure I can say why." I respond, "Basically, the car I was riding in got blown up and I rolled down the road. Broke a couple ribs in the process. It's fine." I say cooly.

Adrain doesn't respond. He's probably trying to process what I just said, or maybe he doesn't believe me and he's trying to figure out if it's true or not. We finally make it to my floor but a couple doors down from my apartment I check under a decorative table to see if the gun I stashed for emergencies is still there. It is so I take it and put it in one of the pockets on the side of my leg. 

"Ok, and what's up with the weapons too?" He questions. We continue to walk down the hall and I answer once we get to my door.

"That's a longer conversation for later." I answer while I pick the lock with a bobby pin that I've pulled out of my hair since I've either lost my keys during the mission or I've left them somewhere in Shuri's lab, room, or possibly anywhere in the palace.

"I've got time." He says sternly. He obvioulsy wants answers since I've constantly been leaving him in the dark. I've never told any of them about my past but they've gotten a couple hints with me teaching Isoke how to fight, always paranoid, all the cuts, bruises, scars, etc. I get the lock picked and I open the door. Everything is how I left it a couple days ago. I still check every room to make sure no one is there and see if all the guns are where I left them in their hiding spaces just in case. When I'm done, I see Adrain sitting on the floor against the front of my bed frame. I carefully sit myself down next to him, holding my knees to my aching chest. 

"It's all hard to explain." I say. I've explained it many times to people I really trust but I don't know if I can trust Adrian yet. He's an idiot but he's sweet and means well. But he's never given me a reason to be scared of him. "You know Bucky Barnes?" I say, closing my eyes and leaning my head back against the bed.

"Yeah. Why?"

"That's my dad." I clench my jaw after I say those words. But their out now, no going back.

"Woah." He says in shock with a little bit of fear shown in his voice. 

"Yup... so... I was born in an organization called HYDRA. Long story short, I was experimented on, tortured, sent on missions, and so much more. I'm a weapon, Adrain. Not some random white girl who works at a Wakandan bakery. I work with King T'Challa and the Dora Milaje."

not my best chapter but I tried, ok

Love y'all. Peace out girl scout.

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