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"Everyone in positions?" Steve asked over comms.

"Yup." Sam answered for our group.

"We're all good here." Clint answered for him and Wanda.

We watched as Steve ran out into the airport yard towards a helicopter but before he could reach it, it was shot with something that made it light up and glitch.


Both Iron Man and War Machine flew down right in front of the chopper. "Wow, it's so weird
how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony sarcastically asked Rhodey while retracting his helmet into his Iron Man suit.

"Definitely weird."

"Hear me out Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Steve said, trying to reconcile with Tony. But then the Black Panther dude jumped out from behind one of the luggage trucks.

"Captain." He said to Steve.

"Your Highness."

"Anyway..." Tony began to say, walking behind and to the other side of War Machine, "Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy."

"Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Tony said. I looked away from the window and over to Bucky who wore a face of disappointment. It wasn't Bucky's fault what he did yesterday.

Not his fault.

HYDRA's fault.

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him." Steve argued, "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

"Steve..." Someone behind him called, "you know what's about to happen. You really wanna punch your way out of this one?" It was Natasha, the red haired lady from yesterday. But there was someone next to her, a boy, shorter than her.



"All right, I've run out of patience." Tony spoke, holding his hands close in front of him, "Underoos!!!"

All a sudden something swung over Steve on a string, tied Steve's hands together, stole his shield, and landed on a terminal truck heroically, all in the span of four seconds. He looked small but strong, around my age as well. He was wearing a skin-tight red and blue suit with a spider emblem on the center of his chest.

"Nice job kid." Tony congratulated.

"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better, it's just the new suit. Wai- It's nothing, Mr. Stark. I-it's perfect. Thank you." He said excitedly. He had obviously never been in a real fight like this before.

"Yeah, we don't really need to stark a conversation." Tony said to the Spider-kid.

"Okay. Cap. Captain." He said saluting to Steve.

What an Idiot

"Big fan. I'm Spider-Man."

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later." Tony said, trying to get him to stop talking.

"Hey everyone."

"Good job."

"You've been busy." Steve nodded.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint, bringing that little assassin girl, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm tryna keep..." Tony's voice trailed off, "I'm tryna keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

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