Tied Up Lovers. (11)

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Tsukasa removes his hand from your cheek and presses his pointer finger to your forehead.

"Goodnight, Y/N." You feel arms wrap around you, lifting you up, and something soft and warm presses against your forehead as your vision blurs, along with that you hear a muffled "I love you." as your eyes shut and you slip into darkness.


Your head pounds as you open your eyes to an unfamiliar place. You feel something around you so you take a look. There's red rope holding you tight to a chair. No one's around and the room is disturbingly quiet. You look around to grasp your surroundings, it's clear that you're in some sort of boundary due to the water on the floor, but the room is so normal-seeming it makes it seem like a typical empty room. You try to struggle out of the rope holding you to the chair, but your wrists start to bruise from struggling against it. You groan, throwing your head back in frustration. What are you supposed to do now?

You hear a creak and footsteps begin to approach you from behind. A pair of cold hands press down on your shoulders and whoever it is presses a kiss against your scalp. The interloper then moves in front of you and of course, it's Tsukasa, as you suspected. "How are you today, my love?" You glare at him, "After you basically kidnapped me? I'm doing just great, Tsukasa." He hints at the sarcasm in your statement and frowns. "Come on, you know I had to keep you here with me! I won't let you leave me, not now, not ever." You scoff, "Oh please Tsukasa, enough with your childish excuses. You don't need to keep me here." You watch as his jaw clenches and darkness spreads through his eyes. He starts to chuckle all of a sudden, soon enough his quiet chuckling then turns into maniacal laughter. He faces you, eyes crazed and wide, smiling in an unhinged way. He grabs your face and begins to shout. "Of course I have to keep you here! We're lovers, we have to be together all the time!"

You just stare at him in a frightened manner. What the fuck's got into him? You try to lean away from him but he just brings your face closer to him. His insane sharp-toothed smile grows smaller and his eyes become half-lidded. "I'm doing this because I love you, I don't know what you can't understand about that." He rolls his eyes, but you feel your gut drop.

═════ Your POV  ═════

He's doing this... because he loves me? How much of a sick-minded piece of shit can he be to think this is okay to do?! Okay, let's for once try to understand his twisted mind. Like that time with Hanako... didn't he say something about being killed? Maybe he had a fucked up childhood? Or... maybe he was always like this. Maybe he's always been possessive and fucked up. I guess that means I have no luck getting out of here single handed. Maybe Sakura or Natsuhiko can help me out of this situation. Sakura seemed scared of him, but she's my friend. She'll help me, right? He can't keep me here forever, even if he's not fully human anymore. Surely he sees how inhumane it is to keep someone hostage forever, or at least I hope so. I'm going to get out of these ropes somehow, I just need to think of a plan.

═════ Third Person POV  ═════

During the time you took to think of a way out of the ropes, Tsukasa had wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your chest. "Tsukasa, could you untie me please?" He keeps his head against your chest. "No." You sigh. "Please, love?" He looks up at you with a suspicious expression, "Why should I? You'll probably run away." he then pouts. You shake your head. "I won't run away. I want to be untied so... we can play a game! It's boring being tied up in an empty room." All of a sudden he jumps up, "You're bored?" he frowns. You pretend to be upset, "Yes. Very." he puts his hands on your shoulders "Okay! We can play something. What do you want to play, my love?" You think. "How about... hide and seek?" His eyes shine and he smiles, nodding intensely. "Yes! Of course!"

He stretches his hands out and the rope suddenly unties itself, falling to the ground. You rub your wrists. He grabs your hands and pulls you up from the chair, smiling. "I'll seek." You smile back at him, "Alright." it was almost too convenient that he chose to seek. He's silent for a moment. "You promise not to run away?" You nod carefully, "I promise." but you know you're probably lying. He smiles and then turns to face the wall, counting down from a hundred. You run out of the boundary and up the basement stairs. You keep running until you reach the girls bathroom on the third floor of the old building, you needed to talk to Hanako. You lean against the girl bathroom door frame, catching your breath.

"Are you trying to impress me or something?" A voice peers in from beside you, you turn around quickly, caught off guard by the interloper's snarky comment. There stands Hanako, with a playful grin plastered across his face. "Well sorry, but my heart's already taken-" You grab him by the collar of his old school uniform. "Your brother is fucking crazy." He pulls your hands off of his collar and readjusts it. "I thought I warned you to stay away from him." He gives you a judging look, crossing his arms. "He wouldn't let me go." His arms drop to his sides. "How are you here now then?" You step closer to him. "He tied me up and held me hostage in his boundary, but I convinced him to untie me when I told him we were going to play a game of hide and seek, he should be looking for me any second now. Please, you have to help me, Hanako."

His eyes go wide and he looks down to the floor. "I... I can't help you." You step a little closer to him. "Why can't you?" He shakes his head and looks up at you, grabbing your hands and holding them. "You're too far gone now, he's not going to let you go no matter what happens. I'm sorry Y/N, but you're stuck here with him." You stare at him in disbelief. Did you hear that right? "You're joking, right Hanako? This is just a bad joke, right?" He looks at you with a somber and sympathetic look in his eyes. "I'm sorry." You start to tear up, you drop to your knees, holding your head in your hands. "No, no, no..." Hanako sits down next to you. "I'm no good at comforting, but..." He puts his hand on your back. "It'll be okay. I'll... no. Me, Yashiro and Kou will help you if it gets out of hand, I promise. You'll be okay, alright?" You lift your head up, looking over to him. You sniffle and softly nod, rubbing your eyes.

"Yeah. It'll be okay." You smile gently, tears still falling. Just then you hear footsteps approach and stop behind you two, along with a familiar voice. "Y/N?" 


word total: 1247

update 11/14/2022: progress is slow due to little motivation and personal issues, but next chapter story planning has started

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