Trip pt.2

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"I think we are the first ones." Brodie says, looking around.
"Well that's no miracle. Skylar walked so fast I thought she'd be possessed." Halen says.
"Hey. I just wanted to be first." I say, punching his shoulder.
We kind of are on one level again. I'm still a bit mad but that's just towards Brodie.
"We should probably stay here and wait." Brodie says.
"I'm going to search for a restroom. I need to poop." Halen says and scrunch my nose up in response.
"Okay, just don't get lost." Brodie laughs.

"And what are we doing, Skylar? Maybe talking about our secrets?" He smiles. I give him the bird and sit down on the grass. He soon sits next to me.
"I'm sorry." He says, looking at me.
"I shouldn't have done that to you. I also apologise for the years I annoyed you." He continues looking somewhere in the distance. I know I have to apologise too.
"I'm sorry for saying I hate you." I say making him look at me.
"You don't have to. You were just telling me what you think. That's okay. I just wanted to say that I might have shot you with a watergun but did grow up too." He answers and smiles.

I smile back at him and watch his face lit up and his smile transforms into a boyish grin, showing me his teeth.
"Aaaaawwwww." I say while pinching his cheeks.
"Who would have known you still have that face." I say, remembering how he always came to my room and showed me his newest toy with that exact same grin.
"Okay, okay." He says, attempting to push my hands away. I laugh and rest my head on his shoulder. Wow, wow, wow. How did that happen. Who's bipolar now?

"Yow. What the fuck did I miss?" My brother asks, sitting next to Brodie.
"Well Skylar is warming up to me." He says pointing at my head resting on his shoulder. I blush and stand up.
"I'm hungry. Let's eat already." I say and grab my bag.
"No. Let's wait for our mom's and Nika. They are probably here any minute." Halen demands. I put the bag back and sit back down next to Brodie. But this time leaving a bit more space between us.


"Should we go back to the cars?" I ask the boys.
We are still sitting on the grass. In the same place where we were supposed to meet the others hours ago.

"I think we should." Brodie says.
"No. They could come in like five minutes and we are not there." Halen says.
"Then you two stay here and I go. I need to move anyways. My butt hurts from sitting. I'll go check the parking lot." I say.
"No. I'm not letting you go alone. I'll go with you." Halen says, standing up.
"No dude I'll go with her. You wait here. If we aren't here in 30 you should come down to the cars okay?" Brodie says.
"Yeah. Sure thing." Halen answers.
"Let's go." Brodie says as he starts walking in front of me.

"Can you slow down a little bit." I say.
"Oh. Yeah sorry." He says and waits.
"You should probably tie your shoelaces. You'll trip." He says after I caught up.
"Nah I'll be fine." I say continuing.
"You know what happened in my bathroom." He says and stops walking. Just to tie my shoes. I wish I would have my phone with me to take a picture for tumblr. I mean that's so cute.
"Thank you." I laugh after seeing him finish.
"I know you were waiting for me to do that." He says smirking. I smirk back.

"Brodie. If we just stand there smirking, we won't make it to the cars before Halen comes down." I say after a few more seconds.
"Ah. Yeah sorry." He scratches his neck and turns around. We continue going down.


"Was that the right way?" I ask Brodie after a while. I think we turned the wrong way. I haven't seen this place before. There's a lake and a bench. I plop down on the bench.
"I don't think so." He says while plopping down infront of me.

"Brodie?" I ask.
"Yes, principessa?" He asks looking at me.
"You had one job. Leading us to the parking lot. Now we are lost." I say.
"Well. Do I look like a fucking guide? I don't know this mountain. You could have helped me. But noooo, your highness is too important to do so. And you call me spoiled. You are ungrateful." He hisses and stands up.

"Oh I already wondered when your other side would show up again. Sure I could have helped you. But you should ask me if you want something you know. That's what people do. God, you're such an idiot." I yell.
"Fuck you. I'm out of here." He says and turns to leave.
"Get lost." I yell after him and he gives me the bird.

I sit down at the bench and all I can do is look at the beautiful sunset. It's getting dark already? Oh shit. There's nothing more that creeps me out than being somewhere foresty in the dark AND all by myself. Thanks to Brodie.
What was that? I swear I just heard a noise. "Who's there?" I whisper while standing up and looking around. There it goes again. It's probably just the wind.

I decided to run back taking the way wherever we came from and bump into Brodie. I shriek.
"Why the fuck did you just leave me!" I say while rapidly hitting his hard chest. He takes hold of my wrists.
"Stop. I came back okay. Now come I found the parking lot and Halen's already there." He hisses and goes ahead. I cross my hands over my chest and follow him.

We soon find the parking lot and everybody rushes to me.
"Skylar, are you okay?" My mom asks and hugs me.
"I'm sorry for the bad behaviour my son showed. I don't know what came over him." The devil's mother said, rubbing my shoulder.
"It's fine. Let's just go home, this place is giving me the chills." I say, starting my way to the car.
"I'm driving." Halen yells. Yas, another long ass ride with these two. Can't wait.


"Do you have the maths homework?" Maria asks sitting down next to me. Fuck we had homework?
"No. I forgot. Is there any chance I can..."
"Good morning class." Mr. Breconhauer interrupts me. Well there goes my question.
The class murmurs something like morning but it sounded like mamin.
We came back at like 3 a.m. on Sunday. I slept for the whole day and completely forgot about school.

"Homework?" The teacher asks me expectantly.
"I forgot to do it." I say.
"Detention after school." He says, walking away.
Second week in this school and I already have detention.
Way to go Skylar.

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