Chapter 3

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Hello creeps!! Welcome to another chapter of LD. I've got nothing really important to say but just a lot of thank yous for the continuous support, the votes, the reads, the comments and everything. Thank you so much.

So here are the questions:

Do you have a girl group that you love very much? If there is, care to share?
: I have. It is 'The Ark'. They're so awesome, I tell ya :

Other than EXO, do you have other groups that you love?
: There is. It's too many to mention but I love EXO the most :

Do you accept same sex marriages?
: Totally. There's nothing wrong in loving :

So, that's it. Hope I'll get your answers so that we could talk about it.

Bye creeps, stay lovely~~

Twitter account: @havingbaekfast_


Baekhyun watched as the guy looked away. His heart pounding fast and he didn't know why. He looked at the television intently, anticipation running over him. But what made his knees go weaker is how the latter had changed a lot, his hair was just like his, only that it's a little darker. He noticed the choice of clothes the businessman was wearing, white fancy sweater and white pants to top that. He looked mesmerizing and Baekhyun didn't realize the dryness in his throat when he saw him on the television. His eyes were plastered on it and he just can't avoid his gaze on it. Or perhaps the guy on it.

He inhaled sharply and looked away before facing his papers on the desk, tapping his pen on it afterwards. "No one. But there's someone I'm not expecting to meet." The guy on the television answered and Baekhyun could feel the hesitance on the tone.

He dropped his pen and clenched his fist. He unclenched his fist again, grabbing his remote and turning off the television afterwards. He needed air, he wanted to break free.

He suddenly remembered that day when he left him, crawling on the ground while calling out for his name. The day where he ignored what he felt. The day when he decided to leave him. The day where he didn't want to turn his back and look again.

He stood up from his chair and walked his way out from his office. He was looked at by his employees as he passed by them. They noticed at how their boss looked so rush yet calm. But that was all they thought. They thought he was calm but he was actually panicking to break through and forget all the things and feelings that were once his past.

He went out of his building to find his car, which was parked on a private lot reserved just for him. He immediately went to it, going inside and closing the door afterwards. He started the engine and drove off.

Driving helps him a lot. It makes him think, forget and be relieved from drowning on his own depression. He drove throughout Japan never minding where he was going. Unlike before, he was already sure where are the turns and curves of the road and he didn't need to worry about getting lost anymore. Roads and buildings whizzed by like a blur and he didn't care to where he was going.

Baekhyun knew that he had moved on already but he wanted to forget too. But it wasn't that easy. It's very hard to forget especially when most of the things he sees, reminds him of him. He drove faster on the road, gripping the steer wheel tightly. He was expecting that the road was empty and he took a turn. And what he didn't notice was the car up ahead of him. He suddenly panicked, pressing the breaks in a hurry. He jolted forward and almost hit his head on the board but good thing he had manage to control himself before that happened. He looked at the car before knitting his brows. This driver should better learn a lesson. He thought. He didn't care at how the car looked very fancy and classy and went outside furiously.

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