Chapter 16 - Shroud of Darkness

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Author's Note: Aaaand... the climax begins! ;)

~ Amina Gila

"Doesn't look like this planet is going to work out as a base after all," Ezra pants as the creature they're riding on flies away from the cliff, leaving the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister far behind. He and Kanan have been on numerous missions since that first time they ran into the Inquisitors. It's... not exactly gotten easier seeing them, but he's learned to control it a little better. Because either he fights back, or both he and Kanan die, and after being forced to work past his fear in near death situations multiple times, he's learning how to work past it. At least to a point.

"Seeing that the key part of a secret base is a secret location, no, it will not work out," agrees Kanan.

Finally, the Phantom flies into view, piloted by Chopper, the back ramp open and waiting. "After you," Kanan says.

Ezra nods, standing up unsteadily on the creature's back. "Thanks for the lift," he calls back to it before flipping through the air, landing on the ramp. Kanan lands next to him a second later, and the shuttle sails off into the sky, leaving the Inquisitors far behind.

"That was a close one," Ezra sighs, slumping down on a seat in the corner of the ship once they've safely made the jump to hyperspace.

Kanan absently turns his lightsaber over in his hands as he paces across the ship, finally sitting down in the pilot's seat. "Yeah, another close one," Kanan agrees with a sigh. Something is clearly bothering him. And thinking about that will at least be better than dwelling on memories that don't matter. They're in the past. Memories can't hurt him, and the Inquisitors are far away now, even if it's shaking him up how much he's seeing them now.

"What's wrong?"

"Everywhere we go, we run into those guys."

Ezra looks away, swallowing hard past the fear twisting inside of him. "That's because they want me back."

"It's more than that," Kanan replies, standing and moving to sit next to him instead, "Besides, how do they always seem to know where we are? If this keeps up, we'll never be able to help the Rebels establish a base. At least not as long as we're with them."

"So what are we gonna do about it?"

"I don't know, but it's endangering the whole squadron. We're gonna need advice on this."


After taking a detour, they come out of hyperspace in the middle of nowhere; the Ghost is waiting for them. Zeb and Hera are already seated in the main hold. "Well, you two seem fine. How's the Phantom?" asks Hera.

"I don't know. Chopper was flying," Ezra chirps. Hera raises an eyebrow at the comment.

"So, kid, did you find us a base yet?" queries Zeb.

"No, but we did find two Inquisitors."

"Oh, that's nothing new," the Lasat replies.

"They're waiting for you," Hera informs, getting back down to business, "Why did you have us meet you out here away from the fleet?"

"It's safer this way," Kanan replies grimly.

Leaving him to explain the situation to the other two, Ezra heads into the room. As expected, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are both in there, waiting. Not so surprisingly, Luke is there as well. He should've expected they'd bring him also. He probably should be here anyway, considering how much the three of them have apparently been running into the Inquisitors too. They're either finding it easier to track them, or they're getting desperate, for whatever reason.

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