Chapter 7 - An Unexpected Meeting

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Author's Note: The Ghost Crew on a mission alone this time! :D And things are finally getting interesting U_U Also, I don't care that none of this next arc is really canon compliant. I'm the boss. >:)

I know I'm skipping quite a bit of time, but I don't really think it's important to include. Anyway... let me know what you think, I guess. O_O

Btw, I think it's been about half a year or so since the beginning of the story.

~ Tirana Sorki

"We'll have to be careful to avoid all the security," warns Hera, as she and Kanan head down the street of the town. Stormtroopers are milling about everywhere as they also search for the same person the two Rebels are looking for.

"The information must be something pretty big if they're going through all these extremes to try and find him," Kanan remarks. They were sent by the Alliance out here to get some information from someone since it was too dangerous to be given to them any other way, and right now, no one is allowed to leave the planet. Zeb and Sabine are waiting on the ship in case there's trouble, which knowing their luck, always happens.

It's been a couple weeks since the mission where they freed the Bridgers. They've been helping the Alliance ever since. But right now, even with the increasing numbers of Rebels, things only seem to be getting more difficult. As of late, the Inquisitors have been making more and more appearances, attacking Rebel outposts and destroying them without them even having a chance. More and more, Kanan gets the feeling that the reason for the Empire's sudden desperation against the Alliance has something to do with Luke, of all people. Why his existence is such a big deal compared to other Jedi he has no idea. He's literally a teenager.

Kanan and Hera duck another stormtrooper patrol as they weave their way in between the buildings. The good thing is that there are enough people milling about that they can blend in pretty well. A prickle of unease runs through him though he can't quite explain why. Something feels off, and he doesn't think that it has anything to do with all of the stormtroopers everywhere, at least not exactly. Is this mission a trap? What if the person isn't actually bringing them information at all, but wants to try and get a lead to hunt down the Rebel Alliance? He doubts it, but sometimes it's hard to be sure. The Alliance was obviously expecting trouble. That's why they wanted a Jedi to go but Ahsoka and Obi-Wan weren't available, so they sent him.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Kanan warns Hera quietly.

She nods in grim acknowledgement as they continue walking, passing a few more stormtroopers as they go. With the amount of security around here, it's amazing they were able to get on to the planet in the first place so easily. Although, he supposes that's only because ships are allowed to come. They aren't allowed to leave once they do, at least not without total inspection. Good thing they've already prepared for that.

Finally, they make their way to the more abandoned area of the town, entering the rickety old house, which is their destination. Have the troopers thought to check here yet? Either they already did and missed it, or they haven't gotten this far. Either way, he and Hera need to be fast.

They step into the room, and although it looks empty, Kanan can sense someone lurking in the shadows. A figure with a hood pulled up over their head, mostly obscuring their face, steps into view from behind piles of crates and old, damaged furniture.

He withdraws a holopad from his robes, holding it out to them. "I found information on an Imperial battle station," the person says in a low voice, "They're building it the size of a small moon and it's supposed to have enough fire power to obliterate entire planets."

"Entire planets?" Kanan echoes, horror twisting inside of him. They're going to build a battle station meant to destroy planets? What kind of... madness has gripped the Emperor now? Is the control he already has over the galaxy not enough? If they create this station, who knows what they're going to start doing. Blowing up entire planets that refuse to totally bend to the will of the Empire? If this thing is created, it will practically destroy any hopes of the Rebellion succeeding. And he doesn't even want to think about the number of casualties it will cause.

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