Chapter 15 - Return of the Inquisitors

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"Hey!" Kanan yells as he and Zeb skid to a stop in the hallway below where Ezra must be. The Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother are standing below with their lightsabers activated.

Yes, he's seen and fought them before, even after what happened to Ezra, but not when he knew everything they did to him. They tortured him and wiped his mind and turned him into their tool. What they did to him will always leave scars, even if the pain they put him through eventually fades to a point. His anger is boiling, and he feels much closer to using the Dark Side than he should right now.

"Kanan Jarrus," greets the Fifth Brother coldly.

"You've crawled out of hiding at last," sneers the Seventh Sister.

Kanan charges at them, his lightsaber clashing with hers. Their blades move in a blur as they circle around each other in the hallway, slashing at each other repeatedly. The Fifth Brother runs forwards, attacking Zeb who promptly starts punching him, easily avoiding getting hit with a lightsaber.

Kanan throws everything he has into the fight, furiously exchanging blows with the Seventh Sister. Neither of them are really gaining ground on the other – partly because the hallway is so narrow, so it's hard for them to actually fight properly. But it also gives him an advantage since the Fifth Brother can't very well attack him at the same time without risking the Seventh Sister. Hopefully Zeb can keep him busy in the meantime.

The Seventh Sister continues throwing attacks at him wildly, first with one end of her lightsaber, and then the other. Zeb goes flying into the wall, but there's nothing he can do except focus on fighting off the Seventh Sister. He forces her back a few steps, but then she kicks him hard. He staggers a step back, slamming right into the Lasat who somehow managed to materialize behind him.

"Time for a new strategy!" Zeb calls as he grabs ahold of Kanan to keep him from falling to the floor, "Run!" He promptly picks up without giving him a chance to respond and takes off running down the hallway at a speed far too fast for any of the Inquisitors to keep up with them. They dodge through a few halls before racing into a room at the end of one of them. Pulling out his blaster, Kanan shoots out the window that Zeb is carrying him towards. He's not sure what the Lasat's plan is, but this is going to be their only way out.

"I hope you know what you're doing!" Kanan yells as Zeb throws him forwards straight out the now shattered window. And the next thing he knows he's falling... right onto the back of a speeder passing by. The Ithorian woman is in the driver's seat. Zeb lands on the speeder next to him, and they scramble into proper sitting positions as she zooms away from the building, leaving the Inquisitors far behind.


Heart pounding, Ezra runs down the last staircase and out the front door into the street. That probe droid is probably around here somewhere. He throws a furtive glance over his shoulder, spotting it hovering right near the top of the building. Just what they need. Not. Spinning on his heel, he takes off as fast as he can down the street, throwing a glance behind him to make sure it's not following. It isn't.

Finally, he reaches the hanger doors, only to see that they're closed. He tries pushing on the control panel, but it doesn't budge. No, no, there's no time for this. He has to get out of here with Pypey before it's too late! "Let me in!" shouts Ezra, banging on the door, "Let me in! Chopper!" No response. "Paranoid droid," he growls in frustration, before pushing a button on his comm. "The door is locked, Kanan! The door is locked!"

"I'm a little preoccupied at the moment!" Kanan calls back, but the voice is coming from more than his comm. Spinning around, Ezra sees him and Zeb running around the corner straight towards him, the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother close behind, lightsabers activated.

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