Chapter 31 : Down The Memory Lane

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After asking this question, Xu Ming couldn’t help but scoff at himself since it seemed obvious what the other was likely to answer. 

However, contrary to his thoughts, Xu Qin answered otherwise.

‘’Not necessary.’’

Xu Qin admitted that he was surprised at her unexpected question. 

Judging by how she handled her family's affairs, it did not look like she would be bothered by their so-called blood-related relationship at all.

Xu Qin always told himself into thinking that Xu Ming’s personality changed due to her amnesia but to be honest, he still did not believe this conjecture.

In any case, Xu Qin knew that it was useless even if he were to ask this question out loud, therefore, he decided to keep quiet since that way he would appear more pleasing to the eye of the other party.

Anyways, Xu Qin was not sure what Xu Ming was expecting to hear from him but he honestly told his opinion,’’ Nothing is definite, everything is possible.’’

Back in Grandpa Xu’s generation, there was a lot of infighting in the family about the inheritance. Grandpa Xu got fed up so he cut ties with his family and enlisted in the army.

He worked his way from the bottom to the top and those who were always by his side to cheer and help him were all people that did not relate to him.

Therefore, Grandpa Xu never bothered with the bloodline as any strangers could be called a family and he cherished them.

Due to his experiences, Grandpa Xu became a role model for his family and taught them to be decent human beings.

"Be it blood is thicker than water or the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, the people to truly treasure in your life are those who are always there for you no matter what."

In the meantime, Xu Ming went silent as he listened to Xu Qin retold Grandpa Xu’s teaching.

Honestly speaking, he did think that Xu Qin was likely to support the idea of your family being the priority in any situation.

However, to think that the prestigious Xu family has been living with this kind of mindset was indeed hard to believe for most.

Especially for his family.

‘’So are you satisfied with my answer?’’

Xu Qin’s calm voice quickly woke up Xu Ming from the unpleasant thoughts that were starting to arise in his mind. 

He lightly lifted his eyes to look at the man who was staring back at him with a light smile hung on his lips.

Still not truly believing the man's words, Xu Ming unhurriedly put down another question.

‘’So what will you do if your family were to wrong another person?’’

Xu Ming then added with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes,’’ Don’t tell me that you are going to turn your back on your own family for an outsider?’’

Xu Ming knew that he was being a bit unfair in asking this question.

Regardless of the answer being yes or no, he did not like either of them. In addition, Xu Qin was also put in a tough spot with this question.

As expected, this time Xu Qin did not answer right away as he slowly put away his smile then his serious image was gradually restored.

Xu Ming took in the man’s silent look before offhandedly standing up intending to discontinue their conversation. However, as he pulled the chair, the person before him suddenly spoke up.

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