09 | An Evening For Comfort

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"So you're telling me" Yoimiya sipped arrogantly on the juice box, "You want to know if Xiao wants to be your friend"

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"So you're telling me" Yoimiya sipped arrogantly on the juice box, "You want to know if Xiao wants to be your friend"

The cafeteria had been busier than usual, packed with people in every direction you turned to. Everyone seemed to tower over your body like an indestructible wall. You forced yourself to swallow a bite of your onigiri.

"I mean.. you saw how it went. He just left without saying a word.." You pouted. Understanding Xiao was a first, but understanding if he wanted to be your friend? You didn't even realize he had any friends until Venti decided to introduce himself. You just guessed he wasn't the type to socialize, and you wondered if people thought of you as someone who wasn't the type to socialize as well.

Ayaka pressed her elbows on the table, "I mean, why wouldn't he be friends with you though? Think about your actions, what are the good things you've done for him?"

"Um.. I made him cake? Oh, and almond tofu! And I shared melon bread with him.." Your eyebrows furrowed, "Argh! Why are all of these food-related?! Uhh.. I made a paper model for the project we were making, I guess? And I let him stay over for the night..."

Before realizing the last sentence to come out of your mouth, widened eyes darted to yours.

"Wait what-" Ayaka began.

Yoimiya squeezed her juice box tight, remnants of the juice spraying out, "Y/n! How could you let a random person, especially a random guy who isn't even your friend yet stay over at your house?"

"But it was raining, and I couldn't just kick him out!"

"Still!" Yoimiya frowned, "You know that means we just have to help you befriend him, now. You can't just let him get away"

You sighed. Of course you wanted to befriend Xiao, but in what way? Was he going to completely ignore you again, or perhaps leave you on seen if you had sent him a text? The more you had put your mind through it, you realized you had given a lot more time and effort than Xiao has ever given you, and as you did so, the bell rung resoundingly.


A flicker, two pairs of irises- from one page to another. Xiao contemplated on the answers from his textbook, concentrated eyes burning from irritation the more he focused. With a loud thump, he closed the small book and lolled his head on the back of his chair.

"What are you doing?" Bold words from the Fatui spoke.


"You should die fighting" Childe proudly smirked, "Fighting me, of course"

Spring break was on it's way, which meant no more excuses for Xiao's absence in dance practices and interviews. He had a natural gift of being able to do as he pleased because of his advanced skill in arts. Xiao only needed to see to memorize. He only needed to see to be so perfect.

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