chapter 8

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hellooo. I feel better after what happened now. but I still have depression. and those thoughts of thinking that he might actually be correct and I should y'know. but it's the fear of death that's stopping me. it's the thought of being selfish if I do it. and also I can't tell my family like always. and my sister is telling me to do everything but I still need to. pretend that everything is fine like always.


TW: arson is pog tho.

I venture out for longer through the forest. for some reason, I can't get my mind off the people that I met. something about them felt different. as I wandered more, I see a cozy little bakery. it was well decorated and fit the scene that it was in.

my feet carried me through the door. once I was inside, I instantly got hit by a plesent smell of bread and other pastrys. at this point I was already running out of bread and money. I might as well ask if I could work here.

I had my red cloak and other items on just for safety. who ever owns this place might still somehow notice me. Once I ordered my food, I sat down. almost immediately, I was given what I ordered.

the food tasted delicious! probably the best I've ever had after leaving the castle. yeah, the castle food was good but most of the time I don't even get fed. I was just about finished with my food. I was about to get up and ask if I could work here since I needed money. Well that was before someone walked in. a person too familiar.

he was a brunette with tired eyes. there was a long streak of white in his hair after his revivle and his chocolate brown eyes turned into a blood red like technoblade's. this was obviously Wilbur.

"hey Wil. how are you? did you find her yet?"
the kind woman that stood behind the counter asked. Wilbur just sighed.
"hey Nikki. I'm doing good I guess just worried since we haven't found her yet. now the kingdom is really worried for Y/N and thinks that she might even be dead."

another sigh excaped. Nikki went over to Wilbur to comfort him. they started another conversation until Nikki pointed at me. not in a rude way though.

"yeah there's this new person. I haven't seen them around. but they do look really pretty. how about you talk to them."
with that, Wilbur was pushed over to me by Nikachu.

"hey uhh. haven't seen you around here. are you new?"
I just nodded my head. it was really awkward silence until I wanted to mess with him. I picked up my bag and finally spoke before I left.

"hey Wilbur, how's Sally?"
and with that, I walked off. Wilbur looked shocked since they haven't been talking about Sally and no one knows about Sally's and Wilbur's relationship but his family. I just laughed as I went back into the forest.


there wasn't much to do when you're alone. I made a little hut that I would need to leave soon. I still wonder why they just haven't given up on finding me. I disappeared months ago. Well I guess Wilbur got more determined to find me after I did that Sally move. but I was just to tempted not to.

I sigh one last time and looked around my hut. I would need to leave today. I didn't want to cause any suspension. and I would need to go into the market. I haven't been there in weeks. I've mostly been trying to hunt.

I packed the last of my items in my bag for easier transport. there has always been something with me and fire. we'll I guess it runs through the family. what do I mean? it doesn't.

like I always say, I used to follow technoblades footsteps. maybe I still do. he always had a passion with arson. and over the years of following him, I also got that passion. but then Wilbur started getting it. ever since I ran away, I started hating my desire to burn things.


I swung the old bag over my shoulders. it wasn't that heavy but a normal person wouldn't be able to carry it. I rummaged around my bag to find my amulet. finally, I put on my red cloak and pinned the cloak together with the amulet.

Without hesitation, I light a match and put it next to oil and flammable things I gathered. within seconds, the building set up in orange, red and yellow. heat swallowed the small house and ashy smoke rised.

I quickly make it out the house before I was blocked in. the smoke got into my lungs and I was coughing. it didn't really matter. I loved looking at my masterpiece do it's thing and devour everything that got in the way.

it was quite peaceful. the wind blew the small ambers of heat. everything slowly fell to the ground with a crash as the structure of it snapped. I sat on the ground waiting and watching. but what was I waiting for?

tulips gently swayed as the wind pushed the ashes of my old house. a smile seemed to tug on my lips. like an instinct, I walked over to the Ash and grime. I picked up the soot and held it tight. the ashes covered my boots and ushered me to stay.

I sat down where I was before and started to grind the ashes in a small bowl. Once it was a thinner substance, I grabbed some nearby tulips and crushed them with the ashes, making them mix.

it was just the powder that I wanted. I then pull out a ring and pour some of the ashes on said ring. I never knew why I did this. I was just told to by one of mother's friends. that same person gave me the amulet as well.

I put the ring in a secure place and waited. I don't know why I waited. I just did. I watched as the soot flushed away in the wind.

just as I was about to stand up I instantly stopped.

"yeah the smoke was over here."
there was some more muttering that I couldn't hear. I would of moved. but I didn't. I couldn't. for some reason I was frozen.

"there she is!"

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