In the Witch's Cottage

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In The Ring of Stones, there are gray clouds in the sky. No rain comes out from above.

The Lightfoots sits up steady from the tripping earlier.

Laurel was taking her sudden surprise instantly. "Boys, are we really in eleven centuries CE in Scotland?" She inquires.

The Lightfoot brothers efforts to calm their blue elf mother down.

Barley was serious. "Mum, settle down. I know it's crazy right now." He urges.

Ian was nervous. "How did we even get into Scotland from the fog?!" He inquired in exclamation.

Barley shrugged at his youngest brother. "I don't know, Ian." He said.

Laurel took deep breaths. Then, she was astonishing. "Merida...She's all alone somewhere..." Laurel said.

The blue burly elf detects something from between two tall stones. Barley points them out. "Guys, the wisps! Maybe they're leading us to the princess!" He shouted.

Laurel shrugs. "Barley, Ian, are you certain about this?" She asked.

The blue skinny elf shook his head. "No..." Ian added. The blue skinny elf was concerned. "But this is different than our world, mom." Ian answered honestly.

The blue burly elf was solemn. "Mum, I know the wisps helped us before. They can help us find Merida in the forest. Come on." Barley urged.

The Lightfoots scurries after the Will O' The Wisps.

They left The Ring of Stones.

The bear princess ran out in the Highlands forest. Bear Merida stops for a breather. She was depressed. Her bear head lifts to see where she is. The bear princess realizes where she stopped to.

Bear Merida was at the Witch's Cottage.

The bear princess smiled. She made animal noises with happiness. Bear Merida runs to the Witch's Cottage's front door. The bear princess opened it up.

Bear Merida was stunned.

The witch of Scotland was not home. The cottage was empty except her brewing cauldron.

The bear princess tried checking the cottage again. No one's around. Bear Merida checks again and again and again.

The witch was gone.

The bear princess lowered her bear head. Bear Merida was gloomy. She left the witch's cottage's door open. The bear princess slumped on the grassy ground. Bear Merida was whimpering. She closes her eyes. The bear princess regrets her mistake five days ago.

There was the shout in the distance.


The bear princess does not bother who calls her name anywho. Bear Merida recalls her memories with her family in the kingdom of Dunbroch. Her father, King Fergus got her a birthday gift when she was little. Her first archery set. Her mother, Queen Elinor sings her a song. It was when the thunderstorm hit her castle. Her mother was there for her daughter. But not the same what the princess is now. The bear in a dress out of stitched up blanket. She cannot go thru like that.

The Lightfoots stopped running and following the wisps.

Laurel was melancholy. "Merida?" Laurel inquires.

The bear princess whimpers.

The Lightfoot brothers rushed to Bear Merida.

The blue skinny elf was glum. "Whoa, hey. It's okay. I know you're scared." Ian reassures. The blue skinny elf gives the bear princess back strokes.

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