The Lightfoot Brothers

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It was night with two crescent moons.

The orange van drove on the isolated roadway.

The blue burly elf was driving Guinevere II. He steadied his steering wheel with his both hands. Barley Lightfoot was his name. The blue burly elf peeks to his right a little bit. He was cheerful. "Ian, we're getting close to the Manticore's Tavern." Barley announced. The blue burly elf goes back on checking the road.

The blue skinny elf was on the back of the orange van. Ian was confident. He looked thru his elder brother's book. The Quest of Yore. The blue skinny elf glanced at Barley. "Okay..." Ian added, chuckling. He was excited yet aware. "But we have to get back next week before my high school graduation day." Ian mentioned.

The blue burly elf was really laidback. Barley rolls his eyes. "We're not gonna miss your high school graduation, Ian." He said.

"Barley, I just recently applied to Willowdale College. I'll be going there after graduation in high school..." Ian mentioned. He shrugs.

"Ian, we've got plenty of time. We will get home after our last quest before we know the next week." Barley said.

The Lightfoot brothers have been together taking quests for two years. It was Ian's last year of New Mushroomton High School. The blue skinny elf smiled at his elder brother. Ian resumed reading Barley's book.

After a few moments, the blue skinny elf picked up his secondary staff. His original staff was lost in the sea. Ian pointed an empty green beverage can with his brown wooden staff. He was determined yet enthusiastic. "Disage Invisio!" The blue skinny elf exclaimed.

The empty green beverage can disappeared.

Ian was pleased. He smiled to himself. The blue skinny elf points his staff to the red bag of cheese curls. Ian was ready. "Aloft Elevar!" He exclaims.

The red bag of cheese curls got surrounded with blue sparkles.

The blue skinny elf lifts his brown wooden staff slowly. Ian made a blep expression.

The red bag of cheese curls begins to float upwards.

The blue skinny elf elevates his staff a little more.

The red bag of cheese curls follows the wooden staff's magic.

The blue burly elf stopped Guinevere II abruptly. The orange van rocks back and forth after Barley hit the brakes.

Ian was stunned. He falls over from his seat. His staff moves the cheese snack bag to the right.

The red bag of cheese curls went flying. It hit at the air conditioner controls.

Barley was confused at the sudden swooshing snack bag.

The red bag of cheese curls landed between the two front vehicle seats.

Barley blew his raspberry at his youngest brother. He was teasing humorously. "Practicing magic for couple years really does wonders for ya. You might wanna work on your aim for levitating food here. Trying to throw food at me." The blue burly elf said. He chuckles loudly.

Ian got up steady. He shook his head. The blue skinny elf was annoyed. "I wasn't aiming food at you, Barley." Ian added. "Are we here at Manticore's Tavern?" The blue skinny elf asked.

The blue burly elf looks out the windshield. Barley smiles. "Yes, young mage! We have arrived, the Manticore's Tavern!" The blue burly elf answered, using his deeper voice to act the theater scene.

Ian laughs with his elder brother. The blue skinny elf was used to Barley's acting for their adventures. The blue burly elf turned off his orange van.

The Lightfoot brothers got out of Guinevere II with ease.

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