The Invisibility Spell

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Barley surveys and ponders around Merida's bedroom. The blue burly elf was resolute. "We need something to use for the invisibility spell." He suggests.

The blue skinny elf was worried. "Barley, last time I casted THAT spell on you, mom and I can't find you in our house." Ian recalled.

Barley rolled his eyes. The blue burly elf was glad. " and our mum thought I was home...I was in the backyard at the time...Oh laddie, ye think the sea serpent floatie was alive..." he giggled.

The blue skinny elf was annoyed. "That was not funny, Barley..." Ian grumbled.

Harris, Hubert and Hamish are sniggering at the blue skinny elf.

The blue burly elf gestured to his youngest brother. "The three wee laddies thinks it's funny, Ian..." Barley said, still giggling.

The blue skinny elf was irritated. "I whacked that sea serpent noodle with my staff...And then that's when I heard your laughter...I shoved you to our pool after that..." Ian added, arguing in his explanation. Then, the blue skinny elf was puzzled. "What are you looking for?" Ian asked.

The blue burly elf was peeved. "Anything that can covered us while it's being invisible." Barley answered.

Harris, Hubert and Hamish are gasping. They ran to their sister's bed. Harris, Hubert and Hamish are excited. They are dragging something off of the bed.

The blue skinny elf looked at the redhead triplets. Ian was affectionate. "Aw, are you guys cold?" He inquired.

The blue skinny elf pulls the big beige blanket out of the princess's bed. Ian wrapped it around Harris, Hubert and Hamish. The little three redhead boys are snuggled in the big beige blanket.

The blue skinny elf glanced at his elder brother. Ian was baffled. "What, Barley?" He wondered.

The blue burly elf was smiling. " just found exactly what I'm looking for." Barley replied.

Out in the corridor, the blue skinny elf exclaims the invisibility spell.

"Disage Invisio!"

The white light flashes from Merida's bedroom.

Harris went out of the princess's bedroom first. He glances both ways. Nobody was around. Harris signals his two brothers. The coast was clear. He walked slowly in the hallway. Hubert and Hamish came out and left Merida's bedroom. They are walking slow too.

The two redhead little boys are holds their arms up. Hubert and Hamish are gripping onto something. They looked like they are walking and holding hands onto their invisible friend.

Harris are leading their two brothers the way out. Hubert and Hamish looked up. Then, they faced straightforward, tugging the invisible covering.

Barley and Ian are under the big beige blanket. The Lightfoot brothers had their arms rising above their heads. They are holding it. Barley and Ian walked steady forth.

The blue skinny elf was nervous. "Are the triplets really getting us out?" Ian added, inquiring. "Barley, I can't see a thing from the blanket." He vented.

The blue burly elf was happy. "This is SO cool...I always wanted the invisibility cloak..." Barley whispered.

The blue skinny elf looks at his elder brother. "Barley..." Ian mutters.

The blue burly elf shrugs. "I'm just saying..." Barley added. The blue burly elf was pleased. He raised his eyebrow. "I wonder if any wizard would ever try to use this cloak..." Barley whispered again.

The blue skinny elf was frowning. "We're escaping." Ian added. The blue skinny elf shook his head. "Can we talk about your favorite fantasy books later?" Ian asked in his whisper.

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