12. Traitor (AU outline- SPOILERS)

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EDIT: I HAVE DECIDED TO WRITE THIS AU AFTER ALL, SO IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS, DONT LOOK. ...stuff may change anyway, and it managed to triple in size since me posting this, but the portion here hasn't changed too much. 

(Originally published 7/29/22. Gonna start doing this now since edits change the date from what I see)
(I dont actually know if you guys see that or not but 
I, for one, would like to keep track.)

A/N: This AU mainly exists because I woke up one morning & went, "King would run the Internet like a Roman emperor" and never looked back. 
Outline/background/plot/lore for an AU I'm not going to write. I have a couple scenes, but no more. If people are curious, I might post them. If someone wants to pull inspiration/concepts from this, that's always cool by me, give proper credit <3 (and ping me, I want to see! :D)

TW:  psychological manipulation/abuse/violence 

AU name: Traitor

Main Character: Purple 


Been around almost as long as the idea of sentient stick figures themselves (close to the age of the internet). 

Singular ruler/king of the Dark Web/Dark Net, which he started early on and is not letting go of easily. The Dark Web is mainly this powerful because its been here for ages, and King pulls in anyone and everyone he meets, so a lot of the Internet has kind of grown up with or in it. By the time sticks started realizing what was going on, it was too late to easily stop. Its pretty much the IRL version- its a huge, underground organization/mafia thing (despite the fact that its technically all illegal, King has almost the entire internet under his thumb, so it doesnt matter. Those he doesnt are either very powerful, or very well hidden, and there arent enough of them).

Challenged by a couple of groups who see this as abuse/slavery/manipulation/blackmail (...because it is).

Blinded by desire for power, charismatic villain & very good at playing people. Wants the creative block for power/rulership purposes.

Freedom (OC, originally created by Kitt [on Discord, dont know if their Tumblr name matches])

The dude who's picture is on the link Chosen crashed through to get off the Stick Slavery site.

Part of a group fighting any kind of stick abuse/slavery (targets are mostly abusive Animators and mostly just King). There's a couple of these groups, but stickslavery.com is by far the most established/successful/not-dead-yet so far. Chosen used their site to escape Alan, and he and Dark both joined them once free. 


AKA Red. (partially based on the concept of Duckbang's fic Between Purple and Orange, which was based on another fic who I cant remember the name, or author of. Either way, I bolted away with the concept & left most of the context behind XD). (If you've read her fic Rainbows of War, Traitor is my version of the AU she refers to in the A/N.) 

White is older than the rest of colorgang by about 5 years. Met King really early on & worked for him for a bit before changing his name and color to Crimson (color choice was a tribute to his former life) and vanishing into digital oblivion- which a handful of sticks have tried to do, but he's probably the one who's hidden the best. He currently goes by Red- King can use Minecraft commands on the Internet via the staff, as long as he knows your name, so he's taken a lot of care to only use a nickname. 

Freedom guy's org helped him hide. They connected him with a Creator who was building a site anyway, and Red was able to join seamlessly when sticksfight.com was created. Colorgang doesnt know any of his background, or that he has one- and Red's content to leave it all behind and start over. 

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