10. Avast (Windows Defender- Avast Antivirus) (OC intro)

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A/N: This will get changed/updated as I go. Cover art created by me, but with Hero Forge, because I cannot for some reason draw this man.  update: I drew him, but its not detailed. Its on deviantart if you want to go looking, link's in my profile.

Appearance:  Light brown/orange stick figure, bright light blue eyes. When activated but not in action, wears a neon safety vest with his program's logo on the back.
In action, wears dull orange armor. It's a little beaten down, but still very solid. Program logo is, once again, painted on the back.
(Most antivirus armor is pretty similar. Color depends on the actual program. Avast's theme is orange/yellow/brown.)

Info/Background/Personality:  Avast is the antivirus for Alan's computer, as well as for a lot of other systems. He's CG, linked to his program, so he's the same across the Internet. He takes his job extremely seriously, and puts it above anyone or anything else.

He would have been the one who actually enslaved and tamed Chosen between AvA 2 and 3, and is also the single reason Chosen refuses to fight any antivirus, ever again. Took Chosen's escape in AvA3 personally. Due to Dark's hacking, Avast has never been able to use his full power since AvA2, and has died A LOT trying to defend the systems they attacked during their internet rampage (and is incredibly ticked at both of those facts). The only emotions he ever really shows are anger, annoyance, and occasionally a little bit of twisted amusement.

Powers:  Despite being CG Avast actually does have powers coded into him by his program- specifically, lightning. And he WILL use them, for any reason, on anything or anyone he deems a threat. 

Weapons:  Set of shurikens, charged with lightning. Avast uses them to bind and/or disable rogue programs. Still struggling to draw or explain them fully, but theyre wildly OP and very cool.

Quote: "Now you're going to listen to me, you selfish virus. Your rampage across this computer is over. And by the time I'm done with you... you're going to wish you never started it."

Favorite drink: He doesn't have time for petty things like eating and drinking- there are viruses to kill, and someone has to do these things.

but...black coffee, dark like his soul /slightly sarcastic

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