1. the wholesome fic (fluff)

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(edit: originally posted sometime in January 2022. Probably the 13th, since comments are dated from then.)

Little one shot I thought of like two days after Christmas. Well. "Little." It's 6k words, so take that as you will o.0 

AvA Shorts happened like five years ago, but Dark is considerably nicer and way more apologetic here so they're all back to being friends again. He never died, although he came extremely close. Second, Dark, Chosen & Victim are siblings bc they were all animated by Alan, but Chosen & Dark have been away for a while helping rebuild part of the internet that got destroyed during their rampage. They're all male. 

keeping title name- thats all I ever called this fic anyway XD

"Hey guys!" Two familiar stick figures emerged from the glowing white portal: one black, one red.

"Chosen! Dark! You guys came!" Second raced out of the website and tackled the two into a hug.

"Of course we did! What did you think, we weren't going to spend the Christmas season with our favorite little brother?!" Chosen bear-hugged him back.

Dark just gave an awkward little wave and tried to fade into the background. "Um. Hi Second-" he gave a strangled gasp as Second hugged him too. "Sticks, kid, it's just a hug; they aren't supposed to break your ribs!"

Green, Yellow and Blue had emerged and were running over. Red was unsuccessfully trying to keep his pig from eating all the potatoes in Blue's garden, and Chosen laughed. "Work smarter, not harder, Red." He brought out a carrot and the pig instantly trotted over to munch on the treat. "Hey there, little guy. Missed you too."

The pig nuzzled him hello.

Red hurried over to join the group. "Thanks Chosen!"


Above them, there was a whoosh as the mouse suddenly came to life.

Hey guys!

All seven sticks looked up to see Alan at the computer. Second, Chosen and Dark responded, and the others frantically waved hello.

They all talked for a while, catching up on everything that had been going on. Chosen and Dark lived in one of the Interspace cities, and while they both came for holidays, the two groups didn't see each other as often as either would like. Eventually the group all moved into an Animate file, where Second and Alan had drawn a house for them to chill in a long time ago. Blue vanished into the kitchen and came out with more cookies than he could easily hold, and then cocoa, and they all settled down on the couches.

Chosen sighed. "I wish Vic was here. He would enjoy this." Dark didn't say anything; he just put an arm around his old friend.

Second looked up with a question in his eyes, but Green beat him to it. "Who's Vic?"

Chosen gave a long sigh, and collapsed deeper into the couch. After a second, Dark answered for him. "Vic is short for Victim. He was the first stick figure Alan animated, so he was technically our brother. And Second's brother as well."

Second looked up, intrigued. "Wait, I have another sibling?"

"Had. Victim got deleted really fast- his file wasn't even saved. He stuck around as a ghost for a while, and that's where Chosen met him. And then where I met him, four years later." Dark hesitated. "Aaand then we destroyed Alan's computer; but we didn't realize he wouldn't be able to come with us. I don't know why, he just couldn't pass through the portal for some reason."

The room went quiet.

"We... had to leave him there. And we never saw him again. I definitely wouldn't have done that if I knew he couldn't leave. Vic was- well, I didn't know him for long, only a minute or two, but Chosen talked about him a lot." Dark turned to his brother. "You always said he was the kindest stick you had ever met." Dark took on a sadder tone. "He didn't deserve this. ...And neither did you, Chosen."

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