5. ATLA/AvA(M) character comparisons (spoilers)

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Will periodically get updated as I finish art/remember new paralle ls to draw between these fandoms/think of stuff to add. Includes headcanons.

Not a fanfic. This whole thing started bc I was drawing Dark, accidentally gave him a ponytail, and realized he both looked like and also kinda acted like Azula (realized later that none of them actually have ponytails, but uhh anyways moving on- XD). 

Spoilers for Avatar: The Last Airbender. Which you should ABSOLUTELY go watch if you haven't, the storytelling is phenomonal, the characters are really well written, their arcs are gorgeous, its got an awesome elemental magic system (!!!) and its both exactly what you'd expect and also DEFINITELY not as flippant as it looks, which is what dissuaded me from watching for the longest time. 

Quotes are from the ATLA characters, since AvA characters dont talk XD. ATLA also determines genders in the art bc they have actual designs. 

Azula/The Dark Lord:
Sadistic; wildly OP; actively tries to kill main characters; kinda shoehorned into her/his role bc everyone expected her/him to be evil, but grew to accept and even embrace her/his villainy. Soundly defeated in a beautifully-animated fight.

"My own mother/creator thought I was a monster. ...She/he was right, of course, but it still hurt."
"Don't flatter yourself. You were never even a player."
"You miscalculated. You should have feared me more."

Mai/The Chosen One:
Quieter; more withdrawn/doesn't like social contact; emo; might get into really deep conversations about the meaning of life; likes black. Switched sides when she/he "betrayed" Azula/The Dark Lord, respectively (lmao perfect matchup).

"...I just asked if you were cold; I didn't ask for your whole life story."
"There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place."

Ty Lee/The Second Coming:
Quirky; excitable; acts younger. She doesn't have any super obvious powers, but when her abilities are finally revealed, they're a game changer. 

<doesnt really have any good quotes that match both characters>

Childish; soft spot for animals and effectively collects them; cinnamon roll. Occasionally a prankster. Does the Avatar state count as possession? If so, possession.

"Yip yip!"
"Will you go penguin sledding with me??!"
"If we knew each other back then, do you think we could be friends too?"

A team heart, overprotective, acts like a mom sometimes. Has a legitimate reason to/already does hate Purple/Zuko.

"I know sometimes it hurts more to hope, and it hurts more to care. But you have to promise me that you won't stop caring."
"I will never turn my back on those who need my help."

Smart inventor/engineer dude; The Guy With The Plan; sometimes dumb as heck despite this; occasionally gets into Shenanigans.

"I'd like to spend my vacation... AT THE LIBRARYYYYYY!"

OP, knows it, is proud of it, and will show off at any opportunity given to her/him.

"I am not Toph. I am MELON LORD!"
"I'm the greatest earthbender in the world, and don't you dunderheads forget it!"

Zuko/Purple: (they're literally the same person XD)
Lancer; loner; banished former royalty, everything they do seems to backfire; bad social skills. Abusive dad who they stay emotionally connected to way longer than is healthy, lost their mom. Scarred by a parental figure. Internal struggle of whether to betray the main gang, which they often lose. Despite this, had a redemption arc and (temporarily, for purple) joined the main gang to fight a parent.

"Why am I so bad at being good?!?"
"You've always thrown everything you could at me! Well, I can take it, and now I can give it back! Come on! STRIKE ME! You've never held back before!" 

Fire Lord Ozai/King Mango:
Royalty; Older, incredibly powerful, and the abusive guardian to Zuko/Purple (woah that matched really well); influence is felt before it's seen; wants ultimate power & will destroy anything that gets in their way. 

"You will learn respect. And suffering will be your teacher."

"You are right. I do have the power. I have ALL THE POWER IN THE WORLD!"

Uncle Iroh/AU Victim:
The chill old guy who's been through all the pain, but has figured out a way past it & is trying to help everyone else do so as well. Mature, decently OP but doesn't abuse it, caring/ compassionate, determined to do the right thing. Literal guardian angel. Loves the simple things. Friends with & is advising Zuko/Purple on How To Life. 

"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength."

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