IV. Redemption

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IV. Redemption.

You'd think that time flies when you're the happiest, yet the past month had been the longest Thora ever gone through. The baby itself made her feel elated to be a mother however the same can't be said about everything else that followed being with child.

As an unmarried girl, Thora spent most of her days outdoors, being a witch came with loving the nature. As for the house chores she and her sister, Tatia, had lived in a small house, it had only one floor, one bedroom, one bathroom, both the kitchen and dinning area were conjoined into one, and the seating area could barely fit for one guest family. It made caring for it easy. Tatia was mostly responsible for the chores, only making Thora occasionally do anything whenever the older girl would be too busy, or in need of a break.

Which meant there was a lot of free time on Thora's hands, yet she had somehow found ways to busy it. If she wasn't practising her spells, she would sew or embroider, if she wasn't doing that, she would be helping any neighbours with anything. And on the occasion she would be attending any village feasts whether it was for a wedding that had happened or a celebration of sorts. Not to forget the full moons where she led and helped children hide while the men turned to beasts.

Things had changed after she got married, but still she had her hands full with responsibilities that she could barely have time for herself, she honestly wasn't complaining about it.

Now, however she has nothing but time on her hands she could do nothing but wallow in her boredom.

Niklaus had made sure she wouldn't make any drastic movements after his mother warned him of women having miscarriages, especially ones who fall pregnant so early in the marriage. And being the paranoid he is, he all but asked Tatia to move in with them, to keep his wife well rested.

Thora's movement was restricted to their home's perimeters, whenever she felt suffocated she would sit at the house front, but it was far more torturous since she could see other girls walking around, running, sometimes chatting with others. She would feel as if their laughs were mocking her for her incapability to walk around the village, all thanks to her loving yet controlling husband.

And so, the mere 30 days of the month, had passed as if the day was far more than 24 hours, and the sickness that came with the pregnancy didn't help much as the mood changes and weird cravings she was starting to get at weirder times. Thora never failed to make her complains known.

"I will certainly lose my mind, if I keep at this for the next 6 or so months." Thora huffed out to her sister, who was helping the family prepare their midday meal.

"Sorry, dear, but you should understand how much you need to rest in order for the child to keep." Tatia explained as she steered the pot.

"I'm not incapable, I can do my chores and take care of my child at the same time." Thora stubbornly said. "The answer is still going to be no."

"Please, Tatia. Niklaus won't know if we don't tell him, I just need to busy myself or else I'll die of boredom. I am sure nothing bad will happen, I have been drinking Esther's strengthening concoction." Tatia's head snapped towards her sister, yet Thora didn't notice as the longhouse's entrance opened to reveal Niklaus and his brother, Finn, both carrying firewood, since they had run out of.

"Don't listen to her, Tatia." Niklaus warned having heard his wife's words before entering the house.

Sighing, Thora rubbed her brow in frustration at both her husband and sister for their refusal, seeing that Finn moved towards her, crouching at her feet.

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